A Mir Kiss Case Study

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A Mir Kiss Case Study

A Mir Kiss Case Study

Problem Statement

The main conflict that seems in this case is the work place sexual harassment Judith Lapierre. Two of the cosmonauts are from Russia as well as the female belongs from France. The case also based on the gender discrimination. Lapierre is the second female participant from the Japanese space program who came for this trip but initially she was not selected by IBMP came by Russian authority.

Analysis and Evaluation

The term sexual harassment is any conduct of a sexual nature or because of gender, which is undesirable from one side of the hurt and one person in their dignity. The harassment can occur at work or at operating events. They can come from staff members, by members of partner organizations or by the customers of the company. At New Year's Eve party, the two Russian cosmonauts have vodka (as it's allowed in the Russian space agency) and commander has the fistfight with one another resulted the blood splattered on the walls because, they all want to kiss Lapierre. But, commander holds knife from kitchen and two Russians afraid of it and disappeared from the scene. Russian commander grabbed Lapierre and kissed her as none of the camera captured this moment. Lapierre fought him off, but the message didn't register. He tried to kiss her again the next morning. On the very next day, the international crew complained about the commander's behavior to IBMP. But the Russian institute didn't take any action. Lapierre said it's the matter of sexual harassment.

A number of worldwide conventions, accounts, and agreements either exactly address sexual harassment or encompass material applicable to it. For demonstration of Lapierre case, the United Nations Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women, taken up by the General Assembly in 1993, specifically encompasses sexual harassment and intimidation in the workplace. If an act or unwanted sexual behavior at work the employee / employee should contact the Counselor / designated trust and / or to initiate an informal procedure in an attempt to solve the case. The intervention of Councillor / and trust must be completed within a reasonably short in relation to the sensitivity of the subject addressed. Councillor / s, which must have adequate skills and requirements and specifications that will be trained by the Administration, is responsible / or provide advice and assistance to those who are exposed to sexual harassment and to contribute to solving the case.

Some worldwide documents heal sexual harassment as a pattern of aggression contrary to women or as a barricade to development. Other documents affirm privileges that sexual harassment violates, for example the right to dignity at work.

Sexual harassment is illegal in an increasing number of nations.

Many companies have evolved programs in response to court rulings retaining employers responsible for both stopping and remedying sexual harassment.

At the end of this mission, the new of the kiss reached to the media and the Russian agency members said that it's a general kiss and allowed ...
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