Book Report

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Book Report

Book Report


In the book 'Why law enforcement organizations fail: mapping the organizational fault lines in policing', Patrick O'Hara is trying to answer to answer the question of why the organizations that are responsible for enforcing laws in the United States are unable to implement them properly.


The law enforcement agencies and organizations are constantly faced by negatives news that questions the capability of these organizations to manage and enforce themselves in a society that is diverse and democratic. In this book, the author deduces after the analysis of various cases that the common cultural as well as structural fault lines in the police agencies is where the crises occurs regularly. This is something that exists at all government levels. The examination of such deep-seated cultural as well as structural elements of the organization highlight that it is not just bureaucratic bungling that handicaps the law enforcement agencies, but something that goes beyond bureaucratic bungling.

One of the major characteristics in the law enforcement organizations, which can be considered a symptom, is institutional racism. Apart from that, racial profiling and sexual harassment are also two other symptoms that can be considered as the characteristics of cultural and structural characteristics of such law enforcement organizations. Unfortunately, the power of these law enforcement organizations is often found to be independent of the larger social forces.

There are many tasks that are performed by the law enforcement organizations. It is their duty to provide tools for identifying individuals that are deemed malignant or act suspicious.

It is pertinent to discuss the topic of role of law enforcement organizations as their main objectives also include outlining and implementing perverse incentives and studying cultures in order to highlight the areas which need to be worked on. Apart from that, they work to highlight and neutralize cultures that are ...
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