Service Communication

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Service Communication

Service Communication

A lot of confusion exists regarding the scope of service communication. The communication must be considered more broadly than public relations, media advertising and professional sales people. There are many ways through which the service provider can communicate with its prospective and current customers. The atmosphere and location of a service delivery facility, the features of corporate design and the behavior and appearance of employees contribute towards the creation of impression in the mind of customers. In the recent years, new methods of reaching to the customers have been found out through the use of internet. All the medias that the service business uses needs to be synchronized properly to attract new customers and also reconfirming the existing customers along with educating them on how to proceed in the service process.

Through the use of marketing communication, the companies try to persuade their target customers that their service offers the best solution to meet the needs of customers. The service businesses use concrete clues to show the performance of service by focusing on the quality of facilities and equipment along with emphasizing the characteristics of employees.

Difference in Objectives of Service Communication as Compared to Goods Marketing

The marketer of a product has the objective of adding abstract ideas. Whereas, the service communication focuses on adding the physical evidence and imagery to the abstract offers. The main objective of the service communication is to train and educate the customers in the new features along with their importance and usage. The main emphasis of the service marketing is not just of improving the external communication but also in improving the internal communication to motivate both the employees and the customers (

Question 1

Four Common Educational and Promotional Objectives in the Service Business

The marketers should be clear of the goals because otherwise they will face problem regarding formulation of specific objectives of communication, selection of the proper message and the tools of communication that are used to achieve them. The four common promotional and educational objectives for the service industry are as:

Creation of memorable images of specific bands and companies

The companies should try to create specific images of their brands to ensure that the prospect and the current customers can link the company with that image. This will help them to identify the company by just looking t the image. Therefore, memorable images play a very important role in ensuring that the service providers names stays in the mind of the customer and they can associate the image whenever they see it with the company.

Building Preference through Communicating the Benefits and Strengths of Specific Brand

The service businesses should also try to communicate the benefits and strengths of their specific brand. This will help the company to create preference of the customers towards the company. When the customers will be aware of the benefits of certain brands, they will be able to prefer it as compared to other brands that are available in the ...
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