Your Name Your Address Your City, State, Zip Code Your Phone Number Your Cell Phone Number Your Email Date Dear Hiring Manager,
In today's customer service oriented society, timely, friendly, proactive service is sought to enhance future business growth. Customer loyalty is always impacted when you employ the right service retail professional to represent you when assisting your valued customers.
My long term experience in the service industry has taught me how to meet and exceed each customer's expectations with service that sells! I have assisted all types of customers in all types of settings. I realize that acquiring and maintaining loyal repeat business as well as spreading the word of your business through these loyal patrons is of the utmost importance in every company. Positioning a company for better exposure and greater marketability is a task that I have performed with success many times.
I am an excellent trainer who achieves ongoing success with her teams by building morale, maintaining teams' self-confidence and training them to build the sale by improving their people skills.
It would be a pleasure to interview with you and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Very Sincerely,
Your Signature Your Typed Name
More than 7 years' successful experience in customer service and support with recognized strengths in account maintenance, problem-solving and trouble-shooting, sales staff support, and planning/implementing proactive procedures and systems to avoid problems in the first place.
Possess solid computer skills.
Excellent working knowledge using both IBM and Mac systems; Lotus 1-2-3, Microsoft Excel, WordPerfect, Microsoft Word, CT DataTrac.
Ability to train, motivate, and supervise customer service employees.
A team player, acknowledged as “Total Quality Customer Service Professional.”
Develop plan, conduct audits and variance analyses, process payroll and payroll tax reports and filings, and maintain/update accurate inventories.
Synopsis of Achievements
Increased customer retention by 19%, from 72% to 91%.
Proactive planning led to notable increase in morale in all departments.
Created customer satisfaction survey, drastically reducing potential problems.
Wide World Importers, Newport, RI
1995 - Present
Customer Service Representative
Work with 28 sales professionals covering 2 states (Rhode Island and Connecticut), responsible for more than 3,800 individual and corporate accounts.
Support sales reps in opening new accounts and upgrading existing service.
Quickly and effectively solve customer challenges.
Maintain quality control/satisfaction records, constantly seeking new ways to improve customer service.
Michael Sean Ray, Public Speaker, Newport, RI
1990 - 1995
Client Support
Worked with nationally acclaimed trainer and public speaker in booking programs. Work entailed heavy cold-canvassing, working with speakers bureaus, and following up on referrals.
Instrumental in igniting revenues from $58K in 1990 to $686K in 1995.
Received Red Ribbon Award from National Speakers Bureau for outstanding work.
Helped position Ray to land VP position with national seminar group.
Elm Tree Junior College, Providence, RI
Associate of Arts: Communications & Public Relations
Companies need to have communications programs for both their employees and their customers. Offering training programs on how to write emails or how to talk to customers ...