Service Blue Print

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Service Blueprint of a Process of Oral Care Supplies

Service Blueprint of a Process of Oral Care Supplies


Customer service is part of every business whether profit or non-profit, everyone is a customer. An increasing number of customers are dissatisfied with the level of customer service received from organizations. 68% of customers leave a business because of the perception of being treated indifferently. Providing high value products and services to customers normally leads to customer loyalty and profits. a study produced results that indicate higher customer loyalty is tied to higher long-term profits. Customers want exemplary service and to become a market leader organizations must provide quality customer service. Previous research has shown that employees inside organizations react favourably when introduced to a management style that has an atmosphere of caring as a core competency. Care can be defined as a safe environment that welcomes attempts at expressing new personal understanding. Care may also be described as a culture that shows leniency by accepting errors and failures and allowing employees to learn and develop from these incidents (Stevenson, 2009).

A link that enables organizations to deliver better service to the customer may provide a competitive advantage in domestic and global environments. The evolution of the importance of the customer traces patterns of customer service beginning with medieval and pre-industrial times. Concepts of a servant-master relationship, when service had a connotation of employees doing only work as instructed by management, which included demeaning working conditions and hierarchical control, is remembered as continuing into the craftsman economy where the customer was appreciated. Many customers are treated with disrespect and companies need to focus on customer needs and requirements. This includes training employees and providing transforming leadership. Historically, customer service ideas have assumed alternately two views, personal, and the more impersonal technocratic view. Leaders of organizations looking for a way to increase market share might learn from history and incorporate customer service as an important secret weapon to gain market share and beat the competition and help illuminate the future. The foundation of business in the 21st century is the building of client loyalty and retention. This leadership concept can be found in a framework of combining service quality with high employee satisfaction and loyalty that promotes an atmosphere referred to as the Service-Profit Chain (SPC) (Steinebach, 2008).

This circular business theory promotes an arena of internal marketing that stimulates customers to become raving fans of the organization and employees that are able to recommend the organization as not only a place to work, but also a place to have a business relationship. Incorporating this leadership model encourages growth, profits, and market leadership that are traits of great companies. Although some companies are striving to meet customer service excellence the question is often asked if the value of focusing on customer needs and demands when designing, and implementing products and process is worthwhile. The question expands to include the value of employee training coupled with a leadership model that insures customers' are put ...
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