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Service In The Modern Economy

Service In The Modern Economy

Sample Questions

What is the concept of service marketing?

Why is the concept of service marketing important in the modern world?

Answer to the questions

Handout 1

A service for the purposes of economics is an economic good, which in contrast to the goods is not the material production stands or the material value of an end product in the foreground, but one of a natural person or legal entity provided at a time or in a timeframe performance to cover demand. The providers of such services is called a service provider.

Handout 2

Marketing Service in market conditions - is an important link in enterprise management, which, together with industrial, financial, trade, marketing, technology, personnel and other activities creates a single, integrated process to meet market demand and receive profits on this basis. Therefore, the marketing service created by the company primarily to provide a flexible adaptation to changing business market situation and requirements of consumers in the market. This allows us to raise the interests of the market over the interests of the individual activities of the enterprise and makes it possible to ensure the efficient operation of the whole.

Marketing Services vs. Physical Goods

Also for the service-specific marketing requirements arise when it comes to market services. The classic marketing model with the four marketing tools, product, price, communication and distribution needs to be extended to:

Environment: It can make the service and quality experience for their customers, and the service receives indirectly a material quality.

Process: instead, it depends on product planning process design, which must also be taken into account, that service is not storable.

Customer: The customer has to be directly involved in the process, he is not only a target group, but also part of the bid itself

Staff: The staff provide the service and are therefore largely responsible for how the service and its quality can be experienced.

Shostack Article

Marketing in an industrial plant covers issues related to market research, planning, and product range, introducing new products, distribution of finished products and sales promotion, as well as the precise implementation of trade and promotional plans and programs. Many service organisations are interested in distribution, installation and maintenance of physical objects, including operations as diverse as retail and storage facilities, auto repair computers and office cleaning and maintenance of lawns and gardens. Governments and nonprofit organizations also are in the business of providing service, even though the extent of this commitment can vary greatly from country to country, reflected both tradition and political values, in many countries, schools, hospitals, and museums are publicly owned or operated on a nonprofit basis but there are also versions of each type of these institutions if they profit (Shostack, 1977, p. 73-80).The marketing function in an industrial plant can raise the interest of individual activities and makes it possible, adapting to market demands, to ensure the efficient operation of industrial enterprise as a whole. Marketing Service is created primarily to provide a flexible adaptation of the industrial enterprise to the changing market situation ...
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