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Service Management

Service Management


It is considered that the most critical thing for a company is to effectively and efficiently deliver the service to the customers. It does really matter which industry the organization is operating in, the features of services have be taken very seriously and in addition to that, customers have to be satisfied in order for the organization to grow. It has been argued by numerous scholars that the primary need of the customers in the modern business world is to have a good experience, along with added value to be served to them. It is important to note that regardless of the capabilities of a product, the organization is not likely to be successful in accordance with its full potential if the offered services are not effective and efficient enough. In addition to that, the management of the services includes the whole end- to- end process, in which the customer is facilitated by the provider of service in every way it could be. The approach of the service management urges the organizations to stop focusing on what we do or what we have and start focusing on what we deliver to the customers. It is important to note that most of the customers buy a product because of its excellent service.

Need For Improvement

Improvement in services provides the organizations with an opportunity of increasing profitability as well as revenues and improving the services overall would mean an increased effectiveness and efficiency. This would mean an increase in the returns for a significantly less investment as compared to making improvement in the equipment, machineries as well as the products. Improvement in the services provides the organization with a competitive edge over the others and tends to drive the culture of service. It basically involves interacting with the customers. This could be done by talking to them, communicating with them regarding their likes as well as their dislikes and even encouraging some services according to their preferences. It is the understanding of the customer which is known to be critical for the success of an organization.


It is considered that in case of unhappy customers with the customer support or the service provided to them, then there are a few steps which an organization should consider taking. These include:

Looking for the worst metric and tightening up the response. The operations of an organization have to analyze. Things should be considered like the maximum time that the customer has had to wait for its call to be answered or the time the customer has waited in line.

Improvement in the service level reporting. The organizations should replace perception with the reality of whether it's bad or good. After this the organization could portray an improvement with the passage of time.

Resetting the expectations. The level of service that the organization aims at providing to the customers should be communicated and confirmed with the customers. This would allow the organization to keep up to the expectations of the ...
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