Self-Managed Learning

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Impact of Self Managed Learning on Lifelong Development

Impact of Self Managed Learning on Lifelong Development


Self managed learning is a concept that is focused on the adults that want to learn. Adult means that as the individuals reach the level of maturity and accumulate experiences in life, they are able to self manage their learning experience. The adults take initiatives and show their learning that they conduct in the routine life in different circumstances and conditions irrespective of the type of setting. This approach is different from the traditional approach because it is initiated by the learner. This assignment is focused on evaluating the various approaches to self managed learning and methods that can encourage lifelong learning at both personal and professional level. It also explains various benefits of self managed to learn for both individual and the organisation.


Self Managed Learning

Self managed learning is defined as a process of development in which the adults take complete responsibility for their personal learning. It is also defined as the process in which the learners take complete responsibility of planning, conducting and evaluating their learning experiences. It can take place both outside and inside the confinements of educational institutes and does not always mean learning in isolation. These learners can ask others for help and refer to resources to assist them in learning (Hiemstra, 1994, pp. 01). The learners work together on real problems by developing their own learning agenda and by assuming the responsibility of their learning. The emphasis of self managed to learn is on the proactive and strategic learning at both organisational and individual level.

E-Learning Way

Regarding e-learning, the way that learners can verify which modules or situations to survey is likewise regularly touted as self-administered learning. The certainty that the learner has a decision and settles on a choice to select this or that module does not constitute accurate self-directed learning (Cunningham, 1992, pp. 17 - 23).

Kolb's Learning Cycle

It is the most descriptive model of learning available for the adult. It includes a cyclical learning model consisting of four stages that are as follows:

Do - Concrete Experience

Observe - Reflective Observation

Think - Abstract Conceptualization

Plan - Active Experimentation

Kolb's learning cycle of four stages predicts how the experience is converted through reflection into concepts which are used as guides for Plan that is active experiment and the new experiences choices. Talking about the concrete experience is the planned or unintentional where the learner experiences an activity. This is followed by the reflection stage where the learner reflects knowingly back on the experience. Then comes the abstract conceptualization stage in which the learner tries to conceptualize a supposition of what is observed. Lastly the active experiment is where the learner plans how to test a particular supposition or plan for an experience that is upcoming (Ellinger, 2004, pp. 160). Kolb's also identified different learning styles in relation to these learning cycle stages. Under these styles the learner learns better. Assimilators, they learn better when they are given sound and logical theories to think ...
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