School Social Work

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School Social Work

School Social Work

What do social workers do in school?

Social work and Social Welfare has been existed from as far back as the 1600's plus it has always been in school system, and has sustained to be a reply to human requirements. In order to appreciate its historical advancement, it is essential to scrutinize the important elements, which has predisposed its progress. It could be said while that elements such as the establishment of the Elizabethan poor laws, the liberation of slavery and the social unrest which concluded in the 1937 riots, played a important role in the advancemetn of social work and social welfare (Latimer 2004).

Who are their client population?

Similarly, social work educators have a crucial role to play in 'setting the context for change' in school development (CD Project Steering Group, 1991) by helping workers and students to understand the nature of racist oppression and to begin to develop strategies for combating it. Practitioners, in turn, have a part to play in supporting and encouraging such work on the part of managers and educators, and to offer constructive criticism where appropriate. There are an increasing number of highly motivated and talented young people seeking a career in social work. This interest puts heavy demands on schools of social work as to how to accommodate to numbers, which students to select, and the very complex question of what to teach and at what level (Boucher 2000).

What the major social work practice methods utilized are?

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