Social Work

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Social Work

Social Work


Social work in plain and simple words is 'helping someone who is in need'. The idea of social work has its roots in the economic and social disturbance that was induced by the industrial revolution, where the issues of dealing with poverty had become very crucial. Unemployment, social distress and other such issues gave rise to the formal concept of social work.

Social work is primarily concerned with poverty and the related issues. As whenever and wherever there is poverty there are different issues like hunger, physical torture, unemployment etc. that prevail in the society and give rise to serious issues of violence, hence creating a hostile environment. To help others who are facing these problems is the social responsibility of those who have a more settled life. But in modern times the scope of social work has a broader meaning and also deals with issues like racism discrimination, sexism and many such social issues that are directly or indirectly related to behavioral psychology.

The basic aim of social work is to reform and rehabilitate the individuals of a society so as to make them more productive towards the nurturing of the society and even groom them to be better human beings. Social work not only emphasizes on addressing the issues but also remodels the life of those who have lost hopes to live. People who are facing problems in their life can gain advantage from such social work activities.

Professional social workers need to have a degree in the discipline of social work. Various universities are offering bachelors, masters and doctorate levels of education to those who want to make career out of social work. Even diplomas are offered in the same field which helps a professional to execute his/her employment more formally through the right channel. ...
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