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Evaluation of Tenders as the “Clients Engineer”

With respect to the GLOBE, all tenders must be evaluated in a fair and equitable manner, which would be considered consistent with the guidelines set by the State and Federal level government, as the final decision, whether in favour of the L & H or not, should be able to withstand public scrutiny as these tenders are for the construction of three Halls of Residence. Furthermore, if these prove to be satisfactory, GLOBE would also find it easier to employ the same contractor to build the subway which would link the sports dock which is adjacent to the proposed halls of residence.

Moreover, each offer must be evaluated in accordance to the evaluation plan. An evaluation plan is basically the document containing the planning and controlling instructions for conducting the evaluation of the various offers which would be received as a response to the request for tender (Lewis, 2007, pp 10-40), by the GLOBE. It would contain detailed instructions for the conditions in relation to participation, the evaluation criteria which would take into account the history and background of the company as well as its portfolio into account, as well as the responsibilities of the methodology and evaluation committee responsibilities (, 2003). This would serve to ensure that the selection is based on the best value for money that GLOBE can get, a justified result as well as probity within the evaluation process. The evaluation plan should also be approved by an appointed person from the GLOBE, so that the request documentation can be finalised (Nickson, 2012, pp 5-35). This plan should not be made public, but the aforementioned request documentation would include any information on the conditions that GLOBE feels are a must along with the evaluation criteria mentioned above. This evaluation plan should also be made by a specially appointed Evaluation Committee and the management should be an active participant in the formation of it (Lewis, 2007, pp 10-40). Furthermore, GLOBE should already have this plan in place, as it has already started inviting offers for the project. This plan should also specifically contain the initial process of screening the companies, the scoring techniques, the process by which the companies would be short listed, compliance checks, the evaluation timetable, the Committee member details, as well as arrangements for debriefing unsuccessful tenders (, 2003).

Also, another factor which would be taken into consideration when evaluating the tenders from the point of view of GLOBE, which is whether this construction would be considered major or minor. As we know, there will have to be extensive work done to build the residence halls, and factors like water and seepage will have to be taken into consideration. The final structure should be able to withstand weather damage, extensive wearing and sound proofing as well as withstand any additional construction which could be later commissioned, that is the subway. The final tender should be awarded to the lowest tender by calculating the lump sum as well as ensuring compliance ...
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