Stakeholders Scenario

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Stakeholders Scenario

Stakeholders Scenario


In most organizations the world over, groupings of people who are externally associated with the organization are the ones who receive most of the attention from the marketing and management of the company. This is done rightly so, because the customers form the external relations with the company which bring in the revenue. External relations are very important for any organization to maintain because clientele are built by means of extraneous relations and customers believe that the products they are buying are worth spending money on. Without customers, it is not possible for an association to survive in the competitive market. As mentioned here, most companies emphasize on catering to their customers, but oftentimes, an equally important group of people external to the customers are the stakeholders of a company. Stakeholders have the power to make or break a company (Rowley & Moldoveanu, 2009).

If a group of stakeholders have considerable power is associated with a company, and they are not being offered satisfactory deliverables in the right way, then an organization must be ready to lose their clientele as the product would never reach in their hands. The sooner an association identifies its stakeholders, the better it is for a company. This is because the company's service managers would be more prepared to deal with the interests of the stakeholders and come up to their mark. To sum up, stakeholders are people who are impressed by the services rendered by the managers of a company. Stakeholders can have a direct impact or power over the projects undertaken by the organization or they may have interest in the successful or failed conclusion.

Aim of Research

The purpose of this research is to persuade a group of people to bring a specific, new type of antibiotics into play for patients pre-operatively with the aim of reducing surgical wound infections.

Administrator's Initial Statement

The initial statement of the administrator is on the subject of implementing a new antibiotic being provided one hour prior to surgical procedure initiates as a means of dropping infections by wounds after the surgery. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Studies (CMS) have indicated that appropriate pre-operative use of particular antibiotics is turning out to be a prerequisite. Hence, commencement of this new practice is somewhat really needed to be pulled off. The institution of this new category of antibiotics will facilitate reducing the wound infections that occur after a surgical process being carried out.

Stakeholder's Background Thinking and First Response


This change reflects in fact the recognition of the changing role of the pharmacist as a professional whose mission is to provide care and pharmaceutical services. The pharmacist is directly liable for the quality of pharmaceutical services it provides to its patients. The initiation, adjustment and monitoring of drug therapy are now part of the professional responsibilities of pharmacists.

Changes of this magnitude require a thorough review of the roles exercise of the profession of pharmacy. The frame surrounding the practical application of these roles will increasingly be able ...
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