Role Of Healthy Working Environment And Just Culture

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Role of healthy working environment and just culture

Role of healthy working environment and just culture


Health problems and high rates of absenteeism due to illness can significantly affect the performance of a company. Promoting health and fitness, the absence of back and joint problems and welfare mental in the workplace can benefit an organization at a general level, as it benefits people at the individual level. A healthy work environment goes a long way in creating an equitable and a fair culture where all employees are allowed to voice their opinions and thus are treated in a fair manner irrespective of their job status (Cummings, et al, 2010).

There is a high degree of correlation between a healthy working environment and a just culture as all the employees are given equal rights to blow the whistle regarding the occurrence of any untoward incident.

The aim of this paper is to ascertain the extent to which both these factors result in a high degree of disclosure. A healthy working environment seeks to enhance the productivity of employees by successfully eliminating the influence of external factors as well as factors that hamper the productivity of employees. With the application of a healthy working environment, the rights of all employees are distributed in a uniform manner and as a result, they have more chances of becoming precious assets for the organization.


The ultimate aim for all organizations is to ensure that the environment provided to employees is highly conducive which results not only in a higher productivity but also ensures that an equitable culture is adopted. An environment based on fairness ensures that all employees are treated in a just manner and there is an absence of any sort of discrimination. Having a fair and just culture ensures that the different deviant activities are not only controlled but also dealt with in a strict manner in case they occur.

Healthy Working Environment

Both the healthy working environment as well as a just culture ensures that the employees have a substantial platform in voicing the occurrence of any untoward incident that might hamper the reputation of the organization. A healthy working environment must present opportunities for the employees not only to grow personally but also result in the enhanced growth of the organization (Story, Kaphingst, Robinson-O'Brien, & Glanz, 2008).

For the World Health Organization (WHO), one healthy work environment is one in which employees and managers engage ...
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