Analysis Of Smart Goals

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Analysis of SMART Goals

Analysis of SMART Goals


Smart Goals are considered significantly important for employees and have stronger influence on the performance of an organization. The goals of employees should be aligned with goals of employer. The First SMART Goal set with this respect is Resolution of Conflict, which deals with management of conflicts and Creating a Just Culture that focuses on reducing discrimination and favoritism from healthcare organization. The conflicts are the most common form of arguments or negative circumstances that may occur in an organization; therefore, resolving conflict is the key to increase in understanding, increase in group unity, and improvises one's knowledge. These issues should be addressed immediately as it has a extravagant impact on normal operations of an organization (Mind Tools, n.d.). A just and righteous culture is highly desired for open and fair performance system that considers every employee's performance transparently therefore, it becomes very important to set a goal like this that purely deals with the cause of discrimination and favoritism.


The goal pertaining to conflict resolution involves collaborating and analyzing the requirement and need of conflict resolution, employees are to be trained for this very purpose, relevant policies are issued, these policies adequately explained to employees in detail, survey would be designed and distributed amongst employees to determine the status of conflict resolution and related areas.

As per St. Luke's Employee Association Program, problems at workplace can be resolved if appropriate actions are taken. However, it is also mentioned that solving a issue is relatively easy than identifying the issue. Therefore, it highlights the significance of understanding the conflict situation and issue first correctly. Conflict resolution is a core issue faced by every organization these days. A conflict can be resolved by brainstorming during meetings, forming numerous solutions to a conflicted issue and choosing the most appropriate one as per relevancy. The process of conflict resolution should be done mutually i.e. in accordance with the decision and acceptability of all significant managers and departments of an organization. The after effects of a implemented solution for a specific conflict situation should be evaluated appropriately and considered for further changes if required any after conducting various surveys pertaining to its positive and negative effects on employees and work place environment (The Key, 2007).

Conflicts can be avoided majorly by communicating effectively on regular basis with each other at work place. There should be two way communication and employees should be trained in this regard as to how to communicate or report the issue in the event of conflict. The managers should encourage employees of all units to participate in such meetings and raise the conflicted issues so that it could be dealt accordingly and one could learn futuristic lessons from these issues so that it won't get repeated in other units of organization. Therefore, it can be said that the effective implementation has to be cohesive and interlinked so that every aspect of organization is aware of such changes and solutions. The adequate ways of avoiding these ...
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