Research Methods

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Research Methods

Research Methods

Quantitative Research

Research Topic

Does flextime impact job performance?

Background of problem

Alfares (2006) asserted that employee scheduling is an important and complex, practical problem, particularly for businesses that operate continuously (e.g., hospitals, airports, train stations, and restaurants). When the businesses operate 7 days a week, different employees must be given different days off, some of which do not include the weekend.

Flexible Work Arrangements

For employees, job flexibility is important. Many employers offer various flexible work options to meet the needs of their employees. Examples of flexible work options are telecommuting, flextime, voluntary part-time work, particularly job sharing, and compressed work week. Many employees are attracted to these work arrangements. According to Cole (2006), flexible work arrangements are alternatives to the traditional 9-to-5 work schedule. He further states that they can support employee preference and unique job requirements. Significant organizational and individual benefits can be obtained by using flexible work arrangements. Additionally, these work arrangements have proved to be helpful in terms of improving morale, helping meet employees' personal needs while contributing to the organization, and recruiting and retaining valuable employees.

Purpose of the study

The main objective of this study would be to examine whether flexi time impact the performance of employee

Research Question

Does a flexi time arrangement increase the employees' performance at work place?

Does flexible timing affect the employer life style?

Research Method

The method use in this research is quantitative research.


Research on this subject is important because it will help identify and provide solutions to business, family and environmental concerns. Additionally, the reader will learn about various jobs and work situations that are conducive to using flexible work arrangement strategies. Readers will become aware of how these strategies improve job satisfaction and the lives of employees and their families.


Herzberg's theory illustrates that hygiene factors are a platform for employee satisfaction while the motivator factors of recognition is instrumental to engendering one's productivity and growth. This study is designed to enhance one's knowledge about flexible work arrangements, and how these strategies affect job performance.

Qualitative Research

Research Topic

Impact of Social Media on Marketing Industry

Problem Statement

Social media has seriously eroded management; marketing managers can have over how information gets into the public domain. Managers must recognize this, as well as evaluating the parallel decrease in the usefulness and practicality of traditional ties as a means of developing strategies for IMC.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study will be to critically ...
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