Research Methods

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Research Methods

Research Methods



Youths in this study were between the ages of 15 and 19 years and were either actually homeless or at risk of evolving homeless. The 41 youths interviewed comprised 37% of the total experiment (N = 110); 54% were categorized as at risk of evolving homeless, and 46% were actually homeless.


Data Collection

In discussion with the Lethbridge and Calgary Advisory Committees, some facts and numbers assemblage devices were developed. These were pretested with a experiment of six persons in Lethbridge and modified as asserted by repsonse received.


Interviews. In-depth interviews were regarded the best way to assemble data from the goal groups. An interview agenda was conceived for each goal assembly (homeless and those at risk of evolving homeless). Areas enclosed included: usual day; attenuating components that directed to present dwelling situation; carries or services utilised in the preceding two years; programs/services that were helpful; what was required to change their present attenuating components for the better; difficulties with being homeless; and perfect lodgings situation.

Questionnaire. All respondents were inquired to entire a questionnaire with both open-ended and forced-choice inquiries that supplied rudimentary demographic data considering the experiment including: sex, age, martial rank, dwelling placement, homeland of birth, largest grade of learning accomplished, and yearly income.


Service usage list. In alignment to pathway the services utilised to support themselves and their families, a register was evolved to pathway the kinds of services being utilised, frequency of use, and the helpfulness of services accessed.




Through the interview method, homeless youths in Lethbridge and Calgary disclosed what had directed them to a life on the street. Many brandished a very unaligned environment that was essential for survival in their tough situation. It became apparent that in most situations, while life on the road was not so straightforward, it was preferable to the life they had left. They all accepted that their homelessness was provisional and that they had the capability to change their positions in time.

The article of each one-by-one was exclusive and how he or she had become homeless was different; although, family confrontation, lowering out of school, a require for self-reliance, and need of permanence were widespread themes. It is significant to mention that most of the youths were homeless as a outcome of a blend of components that encompassed some or all of these themes. The attenuating components that directed to their position were a stepwise accumulation of contradictory components that directed to being homeless, other than a rapid change.

Family confrontation / violence. A important number of youths recounted their former home life as one devoid of nurturance and support. Many were from broken homes, single-parent families or combined families, where pharmaceuticals and alcoholic beverage performed a destructive role. The confrontation, in some situations, engaged personal aggression that had been construction over a time span of time before the youth was booted out or left the home by choice. Several youths had dwelled out-of-doors the family home and returned more than once. In several interviews, the youths were uncertain to ...
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