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Research Papers on Bible

Bible research papers need to be based on fundamental articles of faith and the different principles that have arrived from the same. This needs to be based on authentic and quality research. Researchomatic meets the educational needs of its students by providing research papers on Bible. These research papers focus on the various aspects of the Bible and its teachings.

Attributes Of God
Attributes of God Abstract The paper highlights the major attributes of god in response to the bible. The sovereign power of God means that it can act directly without causes. Such as the creation, miracles, inspiration, regeneration are manifestations of his sovereign power. Then we say that the works that ...
Biblical Evidences Of The Trinity
Biblical Evidences of the Trinity Abstract This research presents a valiant study in theology, coalescing on the presentation, illustration, analysis, and re elucidation of the Trinitarian concepts. Against the concept that God is to be taken merely as an eternal being, we would reflect the reminiscence of God's actions and the ...
Paul's Letter To The Romans By Colin G. Kruse
Paul's letter to the Romans by Colin G. Kruse Paul's letter to the Romans by Colin G. Kruse About the Author The paper aims to give research on the book “Paul's letter to the Romans” written by Colin G. Kruse. He is serving as a Senior Lecturer for the New Testament, in ...
Canonical Criteria
Canonical Criteria Canonical Criteria INTRODUCTION The purpose of this study is to expand the boundaries of our knowledge by exploring some relevant information relating to Canonical Criteria. The Biblical canon is, in Jewish-Christian, the list of texts of the Bible, recognized as inspired by God and therefore sacred, normative for a particular community ...
Systematic Theology
Systematic Theology Systematic Theology In Elwell's Evangelical Dictionary of Theology, B. A. Dermarest describes the concept of Systematic Theologyas the deliberate limiting of religious facts and truths to a significantly comprehendible level in order to make them more coherent and lucid for the entire church. It is, therefore, the classification and categorization ...
What Was So Unique About Jesus’ Treatment Of Women, Children, Poor, And Disenfranchised In The Jewish Society?
What was so unique about Jesus' treatment of women, children, poor, and disenfranchised in the Jewish society? Abstract The purpose of Jesus on this earth was to help man find the Lord. He tried to disseminate the purpose of the Lord to His people. The way Jesus interacted with those around ...
Babylon And Old Testament
Babylon and Old Testament Babylon and Old Testament Introduction Babylon that became the capital of Babylonia actually meant “the Gate of God(s)”it is addressed in the bible as a symbol and state of confusion cause due to godlessness. It is considered to be a Greek form of Hebrew named Babel. Babylon - the ...
Acts 4:23-27
ACTS 4:23-27 Exegetical Paper on Acts 4:23-37 Exegetical Paper on Acts 4:23-37 Introduction The Acts of the Apostles tells the story of the early Church, dall'Ascensione of the Lord (Acts 1: 6 - 11) the arrival of Paul in Rome (28, 16 - 30). The core of the story is the slow but ...
Child Abuse
Child Abuse Child Abuse Introduction A number of serious issues have gained an alarming status in the recent days, with child abuse being one of them. The issue has been present since the beginning of times, but, with the increase in other crimes and abuses, the rate of child abuse has also increased ...
Visual oRganizer FoR The Bible
VISUAL oRGANIZER FoR THE BIBLE Visual organizer for the Bible [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution] Visual organizer for the Bible Abraham was a descendant of Noah and the son of Terah (Gen. 11: 10-26). Promised to be the great progenitor of many nations (Gen. 17: 4). All nations are blessed through ...
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