Reflective Review

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Reflective Review

“Effectiveness of the Chosen Research Method in the Light of Philosophies of Research”

Effectiveness of the Chosen Research Method in the Light of Philosophies of Research


This paper is principally a reflection review, in which it is highlighted that what sort of research method would be appropriate, considering in mind the philosophies of research, that would help in figuring out the impact of leadership on the organizational culture. The context of organizational culture is set between Samsung Corporation and Apple Inc. Both the companies are considerably the biggest smart phone manufacturers of the market. However, in the last couple of years, Samsung and Apple are in dense competition with each other after a couple of controversial incidents.

There is no doubt that leadership style has a great impact upon the culture of any organization. Steve Jobs was considerably one of the famous leaders in the industry of smart phones manufacturers. He is the sole person that has built Apple merely on the basis of his leadership skills and style. However, after the sorrowful death of Steve, Apple has become a bit trembling securing its share in the smart phone industry (James, 2005, pp. 301). The moral and dedication of the Apple employees would definitely not as enthusiastic as it was used to be at the times of Steve. Thus, it has got clear that leadership style do impact upon the organizational culture. But the nature of the impact and the change it create within the culture of the organizational is need to be studied.

The notion of the study is to compare the leadership styles within Samsung and Apple, and how it is has impacted on their organizational culture. To study this phenomenon, it is essential to formulate an appropriate research method, in the light of philosophies of research, to maximize its effectiveness.


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