Reflective Essay

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Reflective Essay

Reflective Essay


Being an M.A student I have submitted a research paper on outcomes of restorative processes in University of Chester. Now I want to discuss about the results of the submission. So here I am going to discuss some features of University of Chester so as to know about the chance of approval or rejection of my research paper. I am going to discuss the University of Chester policies and criteria in the lieu of research papers.


Major review is a peer review process. It starts when higher education institutions in partnership with their commissioning Strategic Health Authorities evaluate their provision in a self-evaluation document. This document is submitted to QAA for use by a team of academic and practitioner reviewers who gather evidence to enable them to report their judgements on the academic and practitioner standards and the quality of learning opportunities. Review activities include meeting academic and clinical staff and students, scrutinising students' assessed work, visiting practice learning environments, reading relevant documents, and examining learning resources.( Kinkead, 2003, 259)


The range of judgements that reviewers may utilise when they have completed a major review are summarised below.

Academic and practitioner standards

Reviewers make one of the following judgements on standards:

confidence, which may be expressed as

limited confidence, or

No confidence.

To reach this judgement, reviewers look at:

learning outcomes

the curriculum

student assessment

Student achievement.


The development of assessment procedures is underpinned by the Department of Biological Sciences assessment procedures working within the University's regulations and requirements. The procedures reflect the Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education (Code of practice), Section 6: Assessment of students, published by QAA. Assessment procedures take account of the requirements for registration with the HPC as the regulatory body. Regular assessment workshops are open to all staff. External examiners receive a suitable range of students' work for scrutiny before each assessment board. The external examiners have reported positively on the quality of the feedback given to students on both diploma and degree programmes.

The assessments used for both undergraduate and postgraduate dietetics programmes enable students to demonstrate achievement of the ILOs relating to professional and regulatory requirements. The programmes utilise a variety of innovative assessment methods and students are examined across a broad range of skills. Students reported on the clarity of the assessment and marking criteria before assignments are given to them, as well as the responsive and timely manner in which ...
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