Reflective Practice & Research Methods

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Reflective Practice & Research Methods

Table of Contents



Literature Review5

Research Methodology7

Research Analysis9

Historical Practices of the Waste Disposals and Recycling9

Practices of Present waste disposal10

Environmental and Human health concerns that is associated with the practices of the waste disposal11





The overall impact of the historical and the current practices of waste disposal or recycling on the human health as well as on the environment of the native people have intended to be addressed adequately. The recycling and the waste disposal of the hard and solid substances have been realized as amongst the major and vital threats to sustainability and environmentalism. The practices of waste disposal or recycling have been done in different categories as they are having bad influences on the factors of sustainability and environmentalism and, such effects of environment at affecting the attitudes of indigenous people in broad perspectives. A research project of participatory type was performed by the Council of Family and Health Services for investigating the concerns and issues that are related to the recycling processes and the practices of waste disposals. For this research, a qualitative research approach has been utilized in order to gain a comprehension and understanding regarding the present as well as past issues in recycling and waste disposal practices for identifying and recognizing any environmental and human health concerns that are associated directly or indirectly with such practices. In the research procedure, sharing circles as well as individual interviews were conducted with elders and they were requested for sharing out their views and perspectives on current and historical practices of waste disposal and recycling and then making commentary about the probable impacts of such practices that may occur on the community health and on the environmental sustainability.

Reflective Practice & Research Methods


In the past times, the waste disposals practices and recycling procedures were relatively of same kind in each and every different community. The landowners used to generate several remote waste volumes that was responsible and liable exclusively for the disposal and recycling and used to utilize a plot for those practices. By time the practices of waste disposal developed and evolved in picking-up the garbage that is un-segregated on weekly basis for waste disposal or recycling processes and for the process of open trash burning in a dumping site of the community. The locations of the dump sites as well as the processes of open trash burning were signified as the important and vital in health issues that are linked with the practices of waste disposal and recycling in such communities. This research report rises up the issues that are concerned about unfair management of the waste disposals in different communities. This research report also highlights the requirement sustainable funding in the long run for supporting the waste disposal and recycling that is community based and the strategies to manage such concerns effectively by delivering different educational programs that encourage the implementation and adoption of the waste and garbage reduction, recycling, and reutilization activities in such communities.

Literature Review

Throughout the overall historical perspectives of the ...
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