Recruitment, Training And Compensation

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Recruitment, Training and Compensation

Recruitment, Training and Compensation


Multi-nationals all across the globe follows a quite similar culture within their realm. This culture principally reflects in every step that an organization takes, which also includes its recruitment, criterion of selection, training process and benefits that it provides to its employees. Similar is the case with the organization that I have chosen to pursue this assignment. The multi-national, which I have chosen is “Unilever Plc”.

Unilever is considerably amongst the biggest MNC, which is operating in more than 120 countries of the world. The product range of Unilever is principally the key that allows it to move into every region and market with higher success rates.

These MNE companies set a culture based on fair practices and become trend setters in the market. These practices are based on training, specified recruitment and fair compensation packages and this would have a greater affect on the employee satisfaction (Unilever, 2013).

Description of the Enterprise

Founded in 1930, Unilever Plc is considerably amongst the biggest consumer goods manufacturing multinational transversally across the globe. The enterprise offers wide range of products from Food, beverages to home and personal care products. Unilever has now more than 300 products in their portfolio distributed all around the world thanks to the globalized world. Unilever is the market leader in the consumer products. The company believes of two major strategies: acquisitions and diversification. The growth rate of the company is increasing day by day especially in the Asian region the company is developing a unified image. The major competitors of Unilever in the consumer industry are Kraft Foods, P&G, Nestle, Amol etc. the headquarter of the company lies in London under the name of Unilever House; Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Unilever employs around 171,000 people all around its offices as according to 2012. The net incomes for the year of 2012 are recorded as €4.480 (Schneier, 2002).

Recruitment & Selection Strategy of Unilever

The recruitment and selection strategy of Unilever is strategic one. According to the company it is a process of attracting the right person for the right job at the right time. The company acquires the best talent in the market and then polishes it in accordance with the market requirements so that they can do better in achieving the organizational goals. The company follows the following strategy:


Specialized recruitment consultants

Campus recruitment

PR agencies

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