Training, Recruiting And Developing Human Resource Aviations

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Training, Recruiting and Developing Human Resource Aviations




Background of the Study1

Purpose of the Study2

Rationale of the Study2

Aims and Objectives2

Research Questions2

Ethical Concerns3


Human Resources Development5


Training in Aviation6


Recruitment and Selection in Aviation Industry7


Research Method9

Literature Search10

Data Analysis10

Secondary Data10



Background of the Study

Learning organization is a form of organization that focuses on managing the exchange of knowledge at all levels, hierarchical and practical business. This type of business organization is that the knowledge accumulated in the employee only has value if it flows, from individual to individual, from group to group, from organization to organization. The company that learns last changes the corporate culture, whatever their activity or structure they achieve successes in aviation industry. Traditionally, the primary purpose of HRM in aviation industry has been administrative, which includes designing and administering programs, such as recruiting, training, performance evaluations, payroll, and benefits (Gubman, 2004 p. 19).

A second purpose of HRM is being an employee advocate in aviation industry. HRM and human skills are no longer relegated to the status of variables adjustment but considered an advantage of resources embodying durable in aviation industry (Bechet, 2002, p. 31). The concept of competence acts as articulation, theory and practice, between HRM and strategy in aviation industry, operating both at the individual, group / organizational and strategic. In this context, the competence approach is to align the recruitment, compensation, training, job mobility and reclassified: it is now becoming a true strategic variable for the companies in aviation industry in US (Golding, 2010, p. 17). This paper will seek to provide an in depth discussion in intended, to highlight the HRM functions i.e. Training, recruiting and developing of human resource in aviation sector in US.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to determine the training, recruiting and developing human resource aviations in US.

Rationale of the Study

The management of human resource defines the success or failure of any company. This area of human resource received attention of many researchers since past few decades. The researches in this regard disclosed that a firm can only get success or achieve its objectives in present competitive environment in aviation sector in US, if it has an excellent and motivated human resource capital (Golding, 2010, p. 17). Aviation industry, is completely reliant on the quality human resource, as in this sector performance of employees is directly linked with the revenues and growth of the business (Bechet, 2002, p. 31).

Aims and Objectives

To determine the skill gap in the aviation industry in US.

To study the recruitment, training and human resource practices in the US aviation industry for their effectiveness to meet the skill gap.

Research Questions

What are the current Training, recruiting and developing human resource practices in the aviation industry?

How do these practices differ from the HR practices in the aviation industry in other countries?

Is there a skill gap in the aviation industry?

What is the Role of HR in narrowing the skill gap? How can Training, recruiting and developing human resource be used to address ...
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