Quality Management At Samsung

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Quality Management at Samsung

Quality Management at Samsung

Quality Management at Samsung


The Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma are the top most process improvement strategies specifically in the context of quality management. The discussion is for the analysis of the new framework, which involves the integration of these two methodologies. A merged framework can add additional value to the work processes. They have been studied from all perspectives along with the strengths and weaknesses, the pros and cons, the scenarios, failures and successes and the comparison of the elements. The core aspect is to find the potential reasons for their non-integration and their evaluation. Many theorist recommended a framework with integration of these methodologies, so an analysis was made to judge them with the benefits and practical approaches.

Samsung Electronics Co. (SEC) of Seoul, Korea, is idealizing its essential approach to feature, transform and faculty advancement by utilizing Six Sigma as an apparatus for advancement, effectiveness, and value. SEC was established in 1969 and sold its first item, a TV recipient, in 1971. Since that time, the association has utilized devices and methods for example add up to value control, add up to process administration, feature information administration, venture asset administration, inventory network administration and client relationship administration.

Quality Management Tools

The Learning and Growth Perspective

The perspective involves the capability of a firm to prosper and enhance its business. It is possible through innovation, operational efficiencies, and creates value, which also helps in increasing the customer base. It identifies those parameters that are feasible for the competitive success. The business world is revolving around intense competition therefore; a firm must keep growing (Kaplan & Norton 1992, p.73-78).

A sample of the Balanced Scorecard with the attributes

There are some claims of the balanced scorecard:

It helps in the clarification and translation of the vision and mission of an organization.

It helps in planning, setting targets and aligning them.

It communicates the objectives and integrates them.

It enhances the learning in an organization.

Positives of the Balanced Scorecard

The most significant benefits of the Balanced Scorecard:

Idea generation and creativity.

Maximized cooperation.

Provides strategic feedback.

Improves processes by reducing time-frames.

Helps in unique competitive advantage

The balanced scorecard is a balance itself and provides scalability along with the customer and employee focus. The Balanced Scorecard can be used to measure both the financial and non-financial attributes, as in the past firms used to count only on the financial measures to measure the performance (Calhoun 2004, p.7).

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Balanced Scorecard

Balanced Scorecard is a balance between the financial and non-financial measures of the firm's objectives. It provides a measurement scale for performance about the organization's strategic objectives. It has no link to the strategic management systems and helps in highlighting the important areas for success. BSC keeps a track on the financial measures along with the competent points for future growth.

The Balanced Scorecard can turn into a hectic process at times. The methodology also has conflicts within the management views. It just highlights the problems but does not provide ...
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