Quality Management

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Assignment Task 1 Scenario

Assignment Task 1 Scenario


The report assesses critical success factors of the chosen company from the UK retail industry in order to advice on the improvement of production and quality management. The report emphasizes on identifying various aspects of the approach of quality into practices at J Sainsbury plc. Moreover, the report undertakes an evaluation of various quality initiatives that can incorporated on an organizational level, as a quality culture in order to promote awareness about the importance of quality and its possible impact on the overall business performance. Furthermore, the report signifies and evaluates underlying reasons of adopting a quality culture and the associated benefits that it can offer to J Sainsbury plc and its workforce.

Quality Management (QM) System and the UK Economy

The term “quality” may reflect a product/service's ability to meet the implied need of the customer or it may base on a customer's perception of the design of a product or service and the extent to which it complies to the defined specifications (Stralser, 2012, p. 264). Moreover, QM is elaborated as a management technique utilized to communicate the required activities to produce desired quality product. It may influence actions of employees in order to complete the task in accordance with the defined quality specifications (Stralser, 2012, p. 264).

Research shows that increasing business approach to imply effective procedures of quality management has made a significant contribution to the economic and business success of the UK (Solomon & Hogan, 2012, p. 2). However, consistent emphasis on developing a strong business foundation on the principles of quality will play an evident role in recovering the UK economy and it will lead the UK towards a positive economic growth. According to the research findings, UK organizations have earned substantial business growth through quality management systems, which is proven by the increasing value of ROI for these organizations (Solomon & Hogan, 2012, p. 2). Moreover, the study provides evidence to the notion that quality management systems have a considerable impact on the overall outcome of the organization and so far it has made a viable contribution to support the UK macroeconomic outcomes to improve (Solomon & Hogan, 2012, p. 2).

Overview of J Sainsbury plc

J Sainsbury plc is a chain of 487 convenience stores and 576 supermarket operating across the UK (Sainsbury, 2013, p. n.d.). It is one of the successful UK retail companies that are known for quality products and services. At present, the company is offering services and products to a range of local and online customers by capturing 16.6% share of the UK grocery market (figure 1).

Figure 1: Sainsbury's Market Share of the UK Grocery Industry (Sainsbury, 2012, p. 7)

Quality into Practices at J Sainsbury Plc

According to the research statistics, incorporation of effective programs of quality management may lead to increased business earnings and profits, employee and customer satisfaction, share price, and customer retention (Solomon & Hogan, 2012, p. 2). Moreover, the quality management initiatives such as Lean programmes can embrace the firm with an ability to ...
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