Quality Management

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Quality Management

Quality Management

Executive Summary4



Problems which Marston lodge is facing5


Laundry Project at Marston lodge9

Golf course project at Marston lodge11

Operation management in Hotel Marston Lodge12


Recommendations for Improvement14

Recommendations for Key Roles15

Work Break Down Structure:16



Executive Summary

Marston Lodge is a 4 star hotel which consists 100 bed. The hotel is situated 28 miles from Manchester in the area of River Dee Area which presents a terrific view of natural beauty.of Outstanding Natural Beauty. The hotel covers an area of 45 acres which includes pasture, woodland and garden. The hotel is adjacent to English Heritage castle which is mostly used for weddings and film shoots. The hotel has an easy access through rail road and the hotel has its own horse racing course. The hotel is currently facing multitude of problems which requires management's immediate attention particulary the cleaning staff and the employees of the hotel. The hotel manager has discussed these problem eith the owner of the hotel and he is determined to take necessary steps through which the hotel processes can be streamlined and work effectively and efficiently. In the proceeding sections problems related to the hotel will be discussed and possible solution to resolve those problem have been suggested.


This course work's objective is to identify the problems that Marston lodge is curerently facing and what steps should be taken by the management to correct those problems. In the further the present scenario of the hotel is dicussed at length. All the factors have been analysed and conclusions have been made on the information which is available in the case study. Hotel business is currently facing reversals because of the on going recession and increased competition in the hotel industry. There has a fall in the purchasing power of people majorly due to recession and people who are spending money are seeking flawless service and quality from hotel management. Marston Lodge is a 4 star hotel which consists 100 bed. The hotel is situated 28 miles from Manchester in the area of River Dee Area which presents a terrific view of natural beauty. The hotel covers an area of 45 acres. The hotel has its own horse racing course.


Problems which Marston lodge is facing

Marston lodge is currently going through a phase of major problem which requires immediate attention of the management. The hotel is receiving less booking orders due to the recession and receiving numerous complaints from customers regarding quality and service which is being provided by the hotel. The system of cleaning in the hotel is not organized which is giving a bad impression to the consumers. The cleaning staff is not well versed to handle the situations which require their immediate attention. There is a need to induct more people in the cleaning staff so that rooms are cleaned as they are vacant. Moreover, the cleaning staff should be trained to follow all the course of the cleaning. They should be given check list when they start cleaning the rooms. Every cleaner makes sure that he or she checks when ...
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