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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Educational Psychology
EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Educational Psychology Educational Psychology Introduction One of the world's oldest debates is on the subject of education. For decades, we have been arguing as to what is the best method for teaching students. The debate still continues and no single solution was accepted. Teaching is perceived in a unique manner by ...
Measuring Personality
MEASURING PERSONALITY Measuring Personality Measuring Personality Introduction According to Gordon Allport; “Personality is so complex a thing that every legitimate method must be employed in study” (Allport, quoted in Burger, 2010). Personality can be defined as the several process of intrapersonal communication and consistent pattern of behavior deriving in a person. Although, the patterns of ...
PTSD PTSD Abstract In this paper we have investigated the concept of PTSD in a detailed manner. The study starts with the introduction and history of PTSD, and then it explores a number of different aspects concerned with PTSD. Moreover, the study has also explored the different medications and treatments for PTSD. We ...
Erik Erikson
ERIK ERIKSON Erik Erikson and Psycho-Social Developmental Stages Abstract Erik Erikson was one of the great intellectuals of his time. Erik Erikson was a prominent psychodynamic theorist. Erikson has emphasized the role of social relationships in human development. He presented eight stages of psychosocial development which explained how people pass through various ...
Divorce Rate In America
Divorce Rate in America Overview For the past few years, the divorce rate in America has been rising. In some cities, divorce in America is increasing at a rapid pace. This is a unfortunate statistics, but they are true. However, the concern is about the high rate of divorce in USA ...
PSYCHOLOGY Forensic Psychology: Child Witness [Name of the Institute] Forensic Psychology Introduction Forensic Psychology is a legal psychology dealing with the legal justice within the judicial level. It gets regarded as the division of applied psychology at the collection, analysis and presentation of psychological evidence for judicial purposes. It includes the psychological assessment and analysis ...
ADDICTION Addiction: Genes Verses Environment [Writers Name] [Supervisor's Name] Addiction: Genes Verses Environment Introduction Addiction can be interpreted in diverse ways and is often characterized by fundamental ambiguity. It refers to absurd urge for certain activity or event to seek short term pleasure or relief even if it's detrimental to an individual's health, mental state ...
Reality Therapy
REALITY THERAPY Reality Therapy Reality Therapy Introduction Reality Therapy is a psychoanalysis technique that examines individuals using a cognitive-behavioral method of treatment. William Glasser proposed this technique in 1965 and is in practice ever since. Reality Therapy is a technique through which psychiatric patients receive treatment and therapists analyze the condition the patient ...
Effects Of Optimism
EFFECTS OF OPTIMISM The Effects of Optimism on Physical and Psychological Health The Effects of Optimism on Physical and Psychological Health Introduction Optimism has a positive impact on the human body. It is very important for us to keep a positive attitude in every phase of life (Bossio & Peterson, 1991). This positive attitude ...
Cerebral Palsy
CEREBRAL PALSY Cerebral Palsy Cerebral Palsy Introduction The term cerebral palsy (CP) is not so much a diagnosis as it is a description of conditions that affect movement and muscle coordination. Specific areas of the brain, such as the cerebrum and connections between the cortex and cerebellum, are affected, usually during fetal development, ...
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