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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Industrial Psychology
INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY Applying Industrial/Organizational Psychology Abstract Industrial/Organizational Psychology is the application of psychological facts, methods and research onto work settings of organizations. I/O psychologists often tend to be well-versed in behavioural and interdependence aspects of human beings in professional environments and they measure the impact of factors such as government influences, inflation, skill ...
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology [Name of the Institute] Abstract The study if criminal attitude and behavior is important in understanding the psychology of criminal actions and mental frame of mind when a personal commits a crime. Also, it is important to study the witnesses to understand the actual circumstance at the scene of the crime. ...
Anxiety Disorder
ANXIETY DISORDER Anxiety Disorder Anxiety Disorders Introduction Anxiety is an emotional response or answer set includes: cognitive aspects of subjective or unpleasant character, physical or physiological aspects characterized by a high degree of activation of peripheral observables or motor behaviors that often involve little tight and poorly adaptive. Anxiety is a very important ...
How Does Trauma Affect Cognitive Functioning?
How does Trauma Affect Cognitive Functioning? Abstract The holistic contextual study of trauma, and it's effects on the cognitive functioning is analyzed in detail. In order to understand the traumatic effects on cognitive abilities, the relationship between trauma and brain is essential. The research encompasses the effect of trauma on the cognitive, ...
MENOPAUSE Outline for Menopause Outline for Menopause This paper would present information regarding different sources related to the cognitive/brain changes that occur in menopausal women. A total of eight studies have been studied and their core has been presented in this paper, in the form of an outline. Perimenopausal symptoms, quality of life, ...
Harmful Effects The Media On Teenage Girls
HARMFUL EFFECTS THE MEDIA ON TEENAGE GIRLS Harmful Effects the Media on Teenage Girls The Harmful Effects the Media Has On Teenage Girls Self-Esteem Introduction It is a fact that girls are more conscious in term of their appearance and looks, especially the young girls like young adults and teenagers. While ...
PSYCHOLOGY Differences of Stress in Men and Women Differences of Stress in Men and Women Hypothesis There is some difference between the men and women in terms of taking stress. The coping style of men and women differs from each other. Introduction The aim of this study is to evaluate about the coping strategies that ...
Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychology Forensic Psychology Abstract Forensic Psychology is the branch of Psychology which is used in the criminal justice structure. In this field, the psychologists apply their capabilities to interpret law in the pertinent jurisdiction. Murder and serial murder are the examples of high profile cases, in which forensic psychology is often ...
Divorce Divorce Introduction Thesis statement Divorce is a truth of life, happening in thousands worldwide. Divorce can be an upsetting experience to both the parties engaged. When there are children engaged, the divorce becomes a much more difficult situation since the divorced parties must think not only for themselves but for their children also. ...
Social Psychology Theory
Social Psychology Theory Social Psychology Theory Social Identity Theory was developed by Tajfel and Turner in 1979. The theory was originally developed to understand the psychological basis of intergroup discrimination. Tajfel et al (1971) attempted to identify the minimal conditions that would lead members of one group to discriminate in ...
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