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Differences of Stress in Men and Women

Differences of Stress in Men and Women


There is some difference between the men and women in terms of taking stress.

The coping style of men and women differs from each other.


The aim of this study is to evaluate about the coping strategies that implement the men and women aged 18 to 41 years who have suffered work-related stress. Within the work, stress was taken into account only for those who have had a problem working (e.g., unemployment, lack of job stability, judgment, retirement, etc.).

According to the study, men are more difficult to cope with stress than women. Scientists have conducted a special experiment with rats, which found that the isolated and subjected to stress, males decreased immunity (Almeida, 1998, p. 670). In females, on the contrary, when a similar situation was becoming stronger immunity.

The study "Social isolation and psychological response: sex differences in the perception of stress" was conducted by researchers from the Universities of Chicago and led Viskonsi Grehten Hermes and published in the American Physiological Society.

According to Hermes, previous studies have shown a link between stress and the immune system. But this experiment was designed to assess the impact of prolonged isolation, similar to human chronic social stress on the immune system. The study involved 120 rats (60 females and 60 males) that 28 days after birth were divided into two groups: isolated (100 days) and non-insulated. Both groups had equal numbers of males and females (Weller, 2000, p. 12).

After 100 days, scientists have put half the isolated rats in the stress group and half in nestress group. There have also been divided and insulated rats. Half the animals from both groups (insulated and uninsulated) injections were carried out foreign matter - seaweed. It was found that female and male rats ...
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