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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Article Review
ARTICLE REVIEW Article Review Article Review Introduction The article under critique is “Imaging learning and memory: Classical conditioning” by Bernard G. Schreurs published in The Journal of Psychology as well as in The Anatomical Record. For the past 50 years, psychologists have wrestled with questions regarding the relationship between conscious awareness and human conditioned ...
Notion Of Lucid Dreaming
Notion of Lucid Dreaming Notion of Lucid Dreaming Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to make an analysis on the notion of lucid dreaming. The art and science of lucid dreaming is not necessarily something that is very difficult to develop. This is not to say the process is easy but ...
Peer Groups
Peer Groups Peer Groups Introduction The problem of interpersonal relationships is one of the most fundamental aspects in the life of the individual. According to the cultural-historical theory the development of the psyche of children occur in the process of interaction, communication with adults and peers. The child appropriates the socio-historical ...
Analysis Of Psychopathology In Popular Film
Analysis of Psychopathology in Popular Film Abstract In this study we try to explore the concept of Psychopathology in a holistic context. The main focus of the research is on Psychopathology and its relation with film 'Girl Interrupted'. The research also analyzes many aspects of Psychopathology and tries to gauge its ...
Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children
Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children Abstract Anxiety disorders constitute the most common psychiatric diseases in children. These disorders predict an increase in the Risk of later anxiety disorders, major depression and hospitalization for psychiatric pathology. The primary feature of Separation Anxiety Disorder anxiety is developmentally Inappropriate Sufficient to cause significant distress ...
Motivational Tools For Trainers
MOTIVATIONAL TOOLS FOR TRAINERS Motivational Tools for Trainers ABSTRACT The purpose of the study is to find out the motivationals toosl for traniner and to demonstrate to what extent non-monetary incentives are utilized in the public sector of US and whether non-monetary incentives have the potential to increase the motivation of public employees ...
Saul Alinsky’s Approach
SAUL ALINSKY'S APPROACH Application of Saul Alinsky's Approach Application of Saul Alinsky's Approach Jeremy Bentham, one of the founders of Utilitarianism, believed his philosophy could provide for the “greatest happiness of the greatest number of people”. However benign it may sound, at the heart of Utilitarianism is a cold, teleological process which ...
ALCOHOLISM Alcohol Addiction Treatments Alcohol Addiction Treatments Introduction Alcohol addiction is a serious condition that is being dealt with on a regular basis through numerous modern therapy techniques around the world. It is a generally treatable illness and numerous dealing programs and approaches are accessible to support alcoholics who have made the decision ...
Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders Personality Disorders Introduction The term “Personality” denotes the outlines of thinking, sensitivities, and attitude that presents every person that he is in reality. Human beings do not feel, reflect and conduct themselves in accurately identical means. It relies on the circumstances the individual is in, the persons with him, and numerous ...
Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders Personality Disorders Introduction Personality disorders, grouped together under the umbrella of psychiatric conditions, are long-term or chronic behavioral patterns that are contrary to cultural expectations and cause serious problems within relationships and work. Numerous genetic and environmental factors play a significant role in the development of personality disorders (Pubmed Health, 2010). ...
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