Separation Anxiety Disorder In Children

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Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children


Anxiety disorders constitute the most common psychiatric diseases in children. These disorders predict an increase in the Risk of later anxiety disorders, major depression and hospitalization for psychiatric pathology. The primary feature of Separation Anxiety Disorder anxiety is developmentally Inappropriate Sufficient to cause significant distress or impairment Clinically When faced with separation from home or major attachment figures. Drugs selectively inhibit serotonin reuptake that, parent education and psychotherapy treatments for children constitutes Effective and adolescents with anxiety disorders. Pediatricians and other health care professionals are in a unique position to assist Families in Understanding the etiology, prevention and Treatment of separation anxiety disorder. Early identification in pediatric primary care may help management and Effective Improve outcome. The Objective of our review is to analyze clinical and Therapeutic Aspects of the Separation Anxiety Disorder and Its Differences with Separation Anxiety as an emotional expression of the evolutionary Development in children.

Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children


Separation anxiety (SA) is an emotional response in which the child experiences anxiety when separated physically from the person who is related (usually their mother). AS is a normal phenomenon, expected and required of child development, which begins to appear about 6 or 8 months of age. The AS allows the child to gradually develop their capacity to be alone. Active and necessarily contributes to this process the attachment figure available to the child.

The separation anxiety disorder (SAD) is a psychopathological manifestation, characterized by the inability of children to stay and be alone. In this case the child is unable to properly separate from the person who is emotionally meaningful to him. The anguish of TAS is over and above expectations for the child's developmental level, i.e. not a standard distress. The clinical diagnosis of SAD can be difficult to perform because it is often not easy to differentiate normative forms of pathological forms of separation anxiety. Our purpose in this paper is to review the clinical differences between the AS an expression of emotional development and developmental psychopathology TAS as an expression. Also discuss its diagnosis and treatment of SAD (Ainsworth, 1998).

General Concepts about Anxiety

Anxiety as an emotion is constitutive of human development. It can be experienced as emotional discomfort associated with the anticipation of danger or threat. Anxiety is a state of watchful waiting and not always negative connotation. Anxiety is present throughout development in the individual tasks that must be resolved in the process of building your person. It has used the term anxiety to refer to the physical correlate of anxiety, i.e. their body language. For our purposes the terms anxiety and distress will use them interchangeably. The fears or fears resemble anxiety to be basic emotions, but differ in that the former are generally associated with a situation or object that is feared and identified by the subject. We understand that normal anxiety emotional response to the environment that is appropriate to the level of evolutionary development and that promotes the subject in an adaptive response to the ...
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