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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Qualitative Quantitative And Mixed Research
Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Research Qualitative Quantitative and Mixed Research Introduction For decades, there has been a raging debate among scholars regarding the differences between and advantages of qualitative and quantitative methods. In fact, this has probably been one of the largest and longest methodological debates in all of social science research. ...
Literature Review
LITERATURE REVIEW Psychological effects of HIV/Aids- Literature Review Abstract This paper is a literature review that is gathered from six articles. The literature review is a summary and critical evaluation of the articles selected. The articles from which the review is extracted from are mentioned within the annotated bibliography at the end of ...
Ruthie Assessment
Ruthie Assessment Abstract This research paper is based on highlighting the learning and understanding that is developed through the Social Work Program course. A case “Ruthie Assessment” has been taken to testify the learning and knowledge that is obtained with this course. Ruthie was having serious social problems that were disturbing her ...
Invitation To The Lifespan
Invitation to the Lifespan Introduction Life is beautiful! In order to enjoy each and every privilege right, it is imperative that an individual should have a sound mind and body and should be health and fit. In order to lead a life that is health, rational, meaningful and enjoyable there are scores ...
PSYCHOLOGY Personal Coaching in Psychological Practice Table of Contents Introduction3 Discussion3 Purpose of Coaching6 Conclusion14 References16 Personal Coaching in Psychological Practice Introduction By coaching, a training process is usually what comes to mind, often by a professional. Coaching has many different aspects to it, as well as different fields that require employers and employees to be trained in their ...
Cognitive Theories
Cognitive Theories Cognitive Theories Introduction Cognitive development is the development of the capabilities of individuals being learners. These theories demonstrate that, how individuals tend to develop knowledge of their own living and, entire world. The first theory of cognitive development was proposed by Jean Piaget and, other theories were introduced by Vygotsky and ...
Community Psychology
Community Psychology Community Psychology Introduction In community psychology individuals are studies in a broader context like within communities or wider society. Community psychology also sees the relationship to individuals with society. The purpose of community psychologists is to upgrade the quality of life of individuals, societies and communities. They achieve their aims ...
Why Is It Easier To Operant Condition A Natural Behavior?
Why is it easier to Operant Condition a Natural Behavior? Abstract This research paper entails the operant conditioning which is the reasons for the motivation do the humans to respond to a particular outcome. This research paper tells us about the reason why these operand conditionings are important for the natural behaviors. Table ...
Development Of The Self-Concept In Middle Childhood
Development of the Self-Concept in Middle Childhood [Name of the Institute] Table of Contents Introduction3 History and Development of Self-Concept3 1960s4 1970s5 Theories of psychological Development and Understanding of the Self6 Stages of Psychosocial Development by Eric Erikson7 Theoretical Implications9 Stages of Cognitive Development by Jean Piaget9 Approaches to Develop Self-Concept among Children13 For Children13 For Teenager14 The Development of Self Confidence15 Beliefs15 The Past15 Fathers (Parents)16 Addressing ...
Coping With Dying
Coping with Dying Coping with Dying Coping with Dying Introduction Accepting the reality of loss, fully facing the loved one is dead, he's gone and not coming back. Experience the pain of grief, without blocking the feelings or deny the pain that is present. It is impossible to lose someone who you want without ...
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