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Research Papers on Psychology

Psychology is a field that studies the mental structure of an individual that causes him to act and think in the way he does. Finding a research material for preparing a research paper is very time consuming. For the reason Researchomatic is presenting numerous research papers on psychology to help out students and professionals. These research papers will give them ideas on how to write a good psychology research paper.

Famous Person Diagnostic
FAMOUS PERSON DIAGNOSTIC Famous Person Diagnostic Disclaimer The contents of this paper are meant to serve biographical purposes and are not meant to provide concrete accounts of events, incidents and individuals. This content of this autobiographical paper have been derived and verified from secondary sources. Therefore, the writer does not bear the essential ...
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Introduction Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, is an anxiety type of disorder that can occurs after a person witnesses or experiences an extremely unpleasant of traumatic event, which had involved a threat of injury or death. It is an ...
Fatigue Influencing Job Performance
FATIGUE INFLUENCING JOB PERFORMANCE Fatigue Influencing Job Performance Fatigue Influencing Job Performance Introduction No one ever said air travel was easy. Major traffic delays getting into the airport, lack of parking spaces once you are in, long, seemingly endless ticket counter lines, security checkpoints and screenings, cancelled flights, and general airport congestion can ...
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER Generalized Anxiety Disorder Generalized Anxiety Disorder Introduction Nurses can play an essential role in the management and treatment of anxiety disorders once individuals have been diagnosed. While being able to identify the characteristics and physical symptoms of anxiety, the nurse can help the individual and their family copes with the disorder. ...
Factors Associated With Online Purchases
Factors Associated With Online Purchases Abstract The use of Internet has highly increased among the common people in the past two decades. A skyrocketing of internet shopping and purchasing has occurred with the increases in the usage of internet. This research paper aims to discuss the factors associated with the shopping and ...
O.J. Simpson Case Study
O.J. Simpson Case Study Introduction The killing test of O.J. Simpson became an obsession for millions of people. As the case unfolded, it became a demonstration for the matters of rush, celebrity, riches, policeman corruption, and how they influence the court scheme and fairness in American society. The Defense -- capacity three ...
Human Sexuality - Extra Maritial Affairs
HUMAN SEXUALITY - EXTRA MARITIAL AFFAIRS HUMAN SEXUALITY - EXTRA MARITIAL AFFAIRS HUMAN SEXUALITY - EXTRA MARITIAL AFFAIRS Introduction Human sexuality focuses on the idea that there is a spatial component to the connections between sexuality (in all its forms), power, and knowledge. This body of work, following on the heels of ...
Carol Gilligan
CAROL GILLIGAN Carol Gilligan Carol Gilligan was born on November 28, 1936. She is an American feminist, ethicist, and psychologist best known for her work with and against Lawrence Kohlberg on ethical community and ethical relationships, and certain subject-object problems in ethics. She is currently a Professor at New York University ...
Social Psychology
SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY Social Psychology Social Psychology Psychiatrist is a person who is specialized in psychiatry, a doctor of medication and deal with the person who is mentally suffering. Social Psychiatrist who deals the connection between the mental illness and its social environment, I am a Social Psychiatrist, and I have specialized in psychiatry ...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD for short, Eng. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)) - neurological- behavioral developmental disorder that begins in childhood. Manifested by such symptoms as difficulty concentrating, hyperactivity and impulsivity, poorly managed. ADHD and its treatment cause a lot of ...
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