Factors Associated With Online Purchases

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Factors Associated With Online Purchases


The use of Internet has highly increased among the common people in the past two decades. A skyrocketing of internet shopping and purchasing has occurred with the increases in the usage of internet. This research paper aims to discuss the factors associated with the shopping and purchasing through the internet. The importance of technological innovation in the process of penetration of electronic commerce in our habits and customs is discussed. The questions usually asked are which courts have jurisdiction, what law applies to contracts found in the Internet and what terms apply (Mitsilegas, 2006). The main reason of the popularity of internet purchasing is the easiness of the accessibility and availability of the internet. The internet makes it possible for users to enter into agreements with ease and flexibility. The penetrations of connectivity and smart mobile devices, these paradigms have changed structurally related to communication and social interaction.

Factors Associated With Online Purchases


This research paper gives the details of the methods and techniques which are utilized for the analysis of the research. It provides readers with the details regarding the type of methodology used, its advantages in context with the current research being conducted, the merits of the research being applied and its usefulness for the subject undertaken to study. Online consumers feel more in control when they can search with relative ease, prices and special offers. This price comparison is in itself, a great motivational tool. The fact that more information is available online concerning products also allows the consumer to feel that better information, will lead to better decision making on their part. Research was conducted through an online survey. Significant data was gathered regarding the scale items of attitude, inclination, inspirations, and searches of information (Koufaris et al., 2002).


Methodology can be employed

For conducting the research, the three most common methods available are Quantitative, Qualitative and mixed methods. Primary and Secondary data sources are used in order to collect data for conducting the research. Research Approach can be deductive or inductive based on the choice and subject domain of the research. Selection of the research methods, data source and research approach is based on the identified research problem and on the basis of it the data source and research approach is opted. In context of this study, the researcher focuses on the factors associated with online purchasing. For this research, the researcher has opted for quantitative methods which were based on primary data.

Research Design

This research study has used the deductive approach towards analysing the lessons learnt from survey and other sources. This research was established and carried out by using a quantitative research method. The project used primary data. Primary data had been collected using the questionnaires was designed to find out the effects of brand equity on the consumers' purchasing behaviour. Descriptive analysis technique was used for calculating the means of the responses then compare them to get the output. Primary data was collected through survey. The reason of choosing this methodology was the ...
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