Project Management Leadership And Skills

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Project Management Leadership and Skills

Project Management Leadership and Skills

Task C

Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project is one of many tools used by experienced project managers for the orderly and efficient management. Microsoft Project helps in building a work plan, identifying tasks and how they will be executed at the most detailed level, helping to fit into the time and budget. This tool is considered the industry standard in project management. The integration of this software with Office Suite is a plus (Gray & Larson, 2007). Many organizations are working on unique projects where deadlines vary from two to three weeks. Many believe that their companies are doomed without this tool. Organizations need the functionality of the tasks, resources and supervision, such as in Microsoft Project.

The most difficult part of the project management is the maintenance and management of the initial project plan. Many of the design requirements change as a result of changing schedules and deadlines for better or for worse. Microsoft Project automatically sets the time on the exact time and resources available for each job (Biafore, 2011). Use Microsoft Project to keep track of the project to the client saves time and your money.

Basic Functionality

As mentioned, the tool is oriented to professional users, but plans produced with MS Project can be easily understood even by:

sponsors or members of a steering group;

members of the project team;

responsible for the budget;

staff of the end user;

suppliers of a part of the work;

other stakeholders of the project.

All these roles need to understand the project plan and a tool such as Microsoft Project allows you to produce a good part of the project documentation contained in the project management plan. On the other hand not about the contents of the plan can have devastating consequences for the project and do not devote enough time to planning is one of the main causes of project failure. Optimal use of Microsoft Project requires a good knowledge of the fundamentals of project management methodology (Biafore, 2011).

Increased Customer Confidence from the Results of MS Project

Organizations using Microsoft Project, are often much higher value their business. Microsoft Project helps companies to improve the overall business, become more competitive and increase customer confidence in the organization from the beginning. In providing offers to customers, the company can show all project tasks with Microsoft Project (Gray & Larson, 2007). This level of detail increases the status of the company of its kind.

Microsoft Project is valuable not only for the organization but also for the customer. In some cases, this tool provides a view of what is happening in the current cycle of product development. They can see what's working on what artists that will take longer than expected, and that will be done quickly, and when they reached milestones and obtain any results. The tool is especially useful to see if changes in the entire area affected by them, and how it will affect the subsequent development (PMI, ...
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