Professionalism Paper

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Professionalism Paper

Professionalism Paper


In the field of early childhood education, it is most importantly required by the professional educators to continue their professional development. It is very essential for the professionals to keep on learning new and advance concepts so that they can teach the children new ideas and concepts and can enhance the learning abilities of the children. The early childhood education has great importance as this creates the basis and the learning foundations of the children. If the teaching professionals are well trained and well informed about the new concepts in teaching around the world, then they can create the good and effective learning foundations of the children. There are various agencies that are providing their services for the professional development and have created appositive impact upon the early childhood education.


Early childhood education ECE professional agencies

There are a number of early childhood education professional agencies that are operating in the US. Each of these agencies has certain philosophies and mission statements relating to professionalism but the basic aim of every agency is to develop effective professionals so that the children can be provided quality education. Some of the professional agencies are given below along with their mission statement.

National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)

NAEYC is an agency that is operating for bring positive changes in the education of young children. According to this agency, the professional development and learning experiences bring improvement in the information, skills and values and attitudes of the early childhood workforce. The mission statement of the NAEYC is as: “assuring the provision of high-quality early childhood programs for young children”. This agency is very concerned regarding the ethical behavior and the professionalism of the early childhood workforce.

Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF)

The mission statement of the CCCF is as: “CCCF is committed to excellence in ...
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