In this paper, we are analyzing the similarities between technical rationality and reflection in action and logical positivism and interpretive epistemologies. This paper also provides evidence of technical rationality and reflection in action within the criminal justice field will be evaluated. It also studies mission for professionalism prevalent within this discipline (Hoshmand and Polkinghorne's, 1992).
Similarities between Technical Rationality and Reflection in Action
Technical rationality represents the application of logical positivism, the view that social reality is objective, measurable, and explained in practical terms. It is reflected in the profession to enrich scientific problem solving abilities. Technical rationality is a linear approach purporting that the majority of professional knowledge produces one's cognition of professions and the application of professional activity within the area of research, education, and practice. Technical rationality is utilized to examine the approach and methods incorporated by established professions in order to operate. This is determined by evaluation and consideration of concrete technical knowledge within the given profession. There are limitations associated to technical rationality that does not permit the knowledge of the true nature within the professional arena (Hoshmand and Polkinghorne's, 1992).
Schon is credited for integrating the role of science into professional practice and education through reflection in action. Within the reflective practice paradigm, an individual's actions are represented and correlated to their overall desire to learn, obtain knowledge, and understand (Papell and Skolnik's, 1992).
Reflection in action is derived from the principles of interpretivism. It refers to the process of obtaining experience spontaneously. In other words, there is an element of intuition associated to one's performance that is not necessarily designed. However, through the process of reflection, one considers the transaction of the action, the results of the action, and the instinctive process of obtaining knowledge associated to the action. From the interpretive epistemological perspective, knowledge is multifaceted in nature, establishing research methods that reveal the expressions of the participant's social reality. Reflection is not labeled as a form of professional know-how, since professionalism is commonly identified with technical proficiency. The constructionist perspective is based upon the philosophy of phenomenology in which social interpretations of society influence their behavior or actions (Papell and Skolnik's, 1992).
Reflection in action is founded in the constructionist view of reality within the profession of the practitioner. Reflection in action or, knowing in action, is a topic for debate in regards to the time; “when time is extremely short, decisions have to be rapid and the scope for reflection is extremely limited”. As social animals, humans innately contribute their perceptions, opinions, and experiences of events in the overall construction of their interpretations. These interpretations aim in building one's knowledge base.
Technical rationality and reflection in action is derived from contrasting paradigms. However, both are significant aspects that characterize the role of epistemology in professional practice. If technical rationality is a counterpart of logical positivism and reflection in action is analogous with interpretivism, there is a ...