Professional And Education Goals

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Professional and education goals

Professional and education goals


The American Nurses Association (ANA) defines nursing as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA 2013). The nursing profession is a noble profession, which attracted me in various ways as a high school student.


The primary reason for me to choose nursing as my career is defined in the ANA's definition of this field. The upfront person providing care for others and saving lives is what inspired me to become a nurse. In most of the cases, whether in hospitals, or any other health care institution, nurse is most likely the first person to discover the patient requiring immediate medical attention, even before the physician. It is up to the nurse to accurately evaluate the scenario, and respond accordingly within the scope of their expertise and hospital regulations. This type of enormous responsibility attracted me to become an experienced nurse. The reason being, this is not too different from the responsibilities a physician has, which I wanted to become as a child. Some time ago, nurses were not given this immense responsibility on their shoulders, which negatively affected the patient care outcomes. However, in recent times, things have drastically changed.

Another important aspect of the nursing profession that inspired me to become a professional nurse is the use of therapeutic communication used in this profession. As well as, to treat the patients' response to illness. This is the building block of nursing career field. This holistic approach has proven beneficial to help patients to heal. The professional nurse can facilitate the clients to, efficiently, adapt and grow in a positive direction, rather than ...
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