Professional Goals Statement

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Professional Goals Statement

Thesis Statement

Knowing my personal strengths and weaknesses is the very important step in improving themselves as Anne Morrow Lindbergh gift from sea the beautiful gem - the treasure in sand, on her own metaphor - it was in print since 1950.

The reason why I am interested in graduate school is because it will allow me to have more options for advancement on management side to any organization, and acquisition procurement arena. My plans after receiving my degree would be to market myself for the better paying position or consultant.

I believed that I would be successful biologist, so I used uptake of information and links between mind and body. What I would not want to defy my intuition was and ability to connect with individuals. I like life and career, which will be satiating and not deprived of interaction with people on the personal level. I work part-time as the tutor in Academic Center for Improving College of New Jersey. I tutor various psychology courses in addition to Spanish level courses. I chose the Spanish minor in study, because I feel that this is the study in common language gives possibility of communication and connection for those who may be in need of assistance, but cannot express their problems through English language. I decided to mentor throughout my college years, instead of typical night of work for students. Despite working hours are limited and pay is minimal, I read my work and appreciate position I hold. I combine with scholars every day. We are trying to strengthen their weaknesses, as inability to understand certain concepts or how to reduce test-taking anxiety. We have expanded customer strengths and try to apply these skills in other academic areas. In useful experience of working with clients in one-on-one situation was catalyst for my getting on the course where I was awarded with opportunities to work in field of expertise. I am currently volunteering at Carrier Clinic in Belle Mead, New Jersey. In this institution, I can not only interact with customers that require the different type of attention, but I can observe in therapeutic communities. I have seen live consultants and therapists handle and approach situation. I take part in assembly discussions. I study medical and psychological history of clients. Every hour stay in facility will be learning experiences.

I started bidding for presidency in early 2007, and competed in the close contest in 2008 Democratic Party presidential primaries against Hillary Rodham Clinton. I won appointment, and turned into first main party African American presidential candidate. In 2008 general election I defeated Republican candidate John McCain, and swearing in as president for 20 January, 2009.

My accession to presidential office has enticed me to be one of first black Americans to pursue for the university degree in field of business administration and that is why I have chosen XYZ University, one of premier business institutions, in USA providing best quality education in field of business management.

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