Principles Of Health & Social Care Practice

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Principles of Health and Social Care Practice

Principles of Health and Social Care Practice


In health care organizations including the nursing care homes, the development and implementation of the policies and procedures is the critical part. The good practice of the appropriate policies and procedures facilitate the quality, legal, safe and ethical health care services. Therefore, all the health care settings possess the social and health acre policies for good practice.

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Principles Supporting the Service Care for the Users

In ABC Care Home, patients related to various cultures, religions and ethnic groups come to receive the health care services. Most of the patients belong to the geriatric and paediatric population. The objective of the ABC Care Home and their professionals is to provide the patient centred care. Healthcare providers take into account the strengths, preferences, and needs of service users. People with mental disorder receive the services of mental health. Moreover, they possess the opportunity to involve in making the decision concerning their treatment and care plan in relationship with their practitioners of social and health care.

In other case, when the patients are not capable to involve in their treatment plan related decisions, then the care givers and health care professionals follow the code of practice provided by the Mental Capacity Act and advice of consent from the Department of Health. Healthcare providers may follow the consent advice of the respective government of the state. According to the Equality Act 2010, ABC Home Care replaced the existing legislation of anti discrimination that encompasses duty of public sector equality. This factor requires the bodies of public to have due regard to the necessity for advancing equality of opportunity and eliminating the discrimination. In addition, it is fostering good relations among the individuals who used to share the protected characteristics and other one who do not contribute (NICE clinical guideline, 2011, p. 6).

Upon admission of the patients into Home Care, the care providers focus on the following principles of support (NAMI, 2013) ensuring the provision of health care facilities to service users.

Examine the individual

Identification of medical or mental illness and their respective stimulants in the environment

In case of mental illness, identification of traumatic events

Plan for the better expertise of coping the disease condition

Do not bear the discrimination and refuse the stigma

Feel pain of each patient not less than our own

Acknowledge, if cannot resolve the issue

Look ahead to the improve health in future in a realistic way

On no account loss hope but endeavour to provide the best and safe care

Procedures providing protection from harm to the clients and colleagues

In accordance of Equality Act 2010, the healthcare professionals of ABC Care Home provide protection with respect to sexual orientation, sex, belief or religion, race, maternity and pregnancy, gender reassignment, disability and age. The Act facilitates the significant officially permitted outline that ultimately enhances the experience of the service users mental and other health related problems. This Act improves the health care services for the population of ethnic groups such ...
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