Health Promotion Contributes Health Of An Ethnic Minority Group

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Health promotion contributes health of an ethnic minority group

Health promotion contributes health of an ethnic minority group


The term Health Promotion has often been linked to sales marketing and taken to mean a propaganda approach dominated by the use of mass media; to some extent, this notion is untrue. Health promotion is concerned with the formulating of strategies and application of fundamental principles that aim to improve both the social environment and health status of individuals and communities. This essay will explain the main ideologies of health promotion. It will also identify and explain how health promotion is communicated at macro and micro level, and identify and discuss examples of community involvement in health promotion.

During the 1960's and 1970's, health promotion predominantly consisted of educating people in order for them to improve their health and change their individual attitudes and behaviours. During the latter part of the 1970's the Declaration of Alma-Ata (1978) perhaps signified the first tentative move away from health education and positive advancement towards comprehensive health promotion. Whilst the declaration centred around health education, considerable emphasis was placed upon Governments' obligation to the health of all their people, and that they should provide equal access to necessary resources in order for their citizens to attain health; the ultimate goal set out by the declaration was 'Health for All by 2000'.

However, the health education concept was challenged during the latter part of the 1980's. It was argued that the health education approach was too constricted and too much emphasis was being placed on individual lifestyles; many feared that it could become a 'victim-blaming'ethos (Ewles, Simnett: 2004, p68). Hence, The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion (1986) was drawn up, its objective was 'to achieve Health for All by the year 2000 and beyond' through health promotion. This charter ultimately gave birth to the main principles of health promotion. It pushed for social change and political activity, defining the main principles of health promotion as working with people and not on them, and that health promotion should raise awareness at individual and community levels and to the masses. That health promotion should both educate and deliver information to all on how good health is achievable; that it should embrace and encourage community participation, the building of partnerships and alliances between groups and above all equity.

Many organisations at national and local level are involved in health promotion. At national level, government departments such as the Department of Health and the Department for Education and Skills promote health through legislation and fiscal policies. For example, TheSmoke-free (Premises and Enforcement) Regulations 2006 ascended from parliament with the aim of providing a healthier environment for all. The government anticipate that this law will save thousands of lives over the next decade by removing the risk of passive smoking and providing a supportive environment for those who wish to quit. Similarly, The Education Act 2002 affirms that school curriculums include sex education, including education about sexually transmitted ...
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