Principles Of Health And Social Care

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Principles of Health and Social Practice

Principles of Health and Social Practice


Healthcare has developed as a sector in the last century and hospitals, medical centres, and clinics have adopted some principles to fulfil the purpose of saving lives. The paper discusses the consequences and implications of the scenario. Such a scenario causes managers to encounter dilemmas in healthcare, where it apparently seems impossible to cater. These principles help practitioners and other people in the society to determine their rights and responsibilities. The 'health and social care' includes the aspects of biology, sociology, ethics, and law. The study of health and social care provides insight about the principle of support, the impact of legislation and policies on any organization's operations, and on the ways through which the concepts of social care can be further improved.


Principle of Support

Principle is generally described as the proposition on the basis of which believes and behaviours are characterized and identified. Thus principle can be understood as the foundation which provides explanation to a number of systems.

The principal of care and support is an important notion in the field of health and well being. The ABC care home also respects and implements the principles of support in its operations. It ensures that the health and social care practices is anti- discriminatory. The management of care home tries to abide by the rules stated in the Equality Act, 2010. Colour, ethnicity, gender and age differences are not used to stereotype and categorize people (GUK, 2010, pp. 4). The rights, identities and believes of every individual are recognized and respected. The Human Rights Act of 1998 provides the rights of privacy, dignity, choice, and control to the people (Hoffman, 2011, pp.2). The care home ensures that these rights are practiced along with the understanding of the needs of people. The principle of support practiced by the care home further emphasizes that the information of all sort should be kept confidential. The care home uses the Article 8 of the European Convention of human rights as the base of their code of conduct. The data protection act also binds the care home to obtain record, hold, use, and disclose information properly. Finally, effective communication is developed to get the best possible knowledge of the situation. The care house believes that communication can be effective if it is concise, complete, concrete, clear, and accurate.

The care home has adopted and implemented a number of procedures in order to protect the clients and employees from any harm or problem. The care home considers that harm is not solely related to the physical injury and that it also includes the psychological, financial, sexual or even discriminatory elements. The care home provides this surety by respecting the people's right of independence, choice and control (SCIE, 2013, pp. nd). It has also developed an open environment where a person feeling victim of any harm can complain without any fear of repercussions. The care home also trains specialists responsible for safeguarding ...
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