Principles of support are important for the success of health and social care setting. 'Principles' can be defined as ethical rule - leading behavior', constant rule of conduct according to law of 'ethics, 'to make an impression with a principle, 'a basic part', or 'a primary. In the framework of social care, and it have developed sets of beliefs that over a period of time have been identified as a basic value and integrity. Support is a basic element that creates successful health and social care settings.
Good support services are the key and influential factor for individuals to pick the correct health and support services that would be beneficial for them. Take example of group with learning disabilities, as individuals, we have variety of options and choices that we can make independent decisions. But these choices and decisions are taken away from the people who have learning disabilities. Therefore, support services are required to guarantee that people with learning disabilities should get all the benefits and best possible care.
More ever, some governments are actively participates and deal with the issues of health and social care practice for the continued support and comfort for its residents. For example, in Wales, services and support people are allowed to get the help for home care with stuff like cleaning and shopping, equipments for disable people and adaptations to your home, day centers to offer you or the person who cares for you a break, day care for your child if either you or they are disabled and care homes (Cambridge, 2005, p120).
Part #2
The concept of person- centred approach is not new, but recent political developments in the health and social care industry are emphasizing more than ever, the importance of a stronger focus on the person in care services. The person- centred approach developed by the famous American psychologist Carl Rogers, wants to focus on the person and not a problem, illness or symptom. It rests on the conviction that man has a strong potential for development and growth innate develops him as long as he enjoys a favorable context. It is therefore reviving this spontaneous process that was hindered (Claes, 2010, p432).
The therapist strives to create a safe environment to facilitate the expression of his "client", to teach him to trust his feelings to develop their autonomy and improve their relationships with others. Carl Rogers has replaced the word patient "customer" to emphasize the active role of the latter: he knows what he needs; it is up to him to lead the therapeutic process. The therapist can not under any circumstances replace him, which is why it does not impose anything, advice and does not interpret, but accompanies the work in its evolution and change.
Rogers proposed that everyone has a real self (how people see their actual traits and abilities) and an ideal self (how people think they should ...