Health And Social Care

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Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

Physiological Principles for Health and Social Care

1.1 Anatomical Features of the Human Body

The integumentary system This system of the human body consists of skin and its other constituents. The other constituents of the integumentary system are hair, nails and other glands. The system works for the protection of the body, assists in excreting the waste products and controls the body temperature. It senses the perceptions of temperature, pain and pressure. Moreover, it facilitates in the production of vitamin D3 with the help of sunlight.

The skeletal system This system is composed of bones, ligaments cartilages and joints. There are two types of tissues that are present in the skeletal system (EPHTI, 2003, pp.43-73). Joints are present in the skeletal system to help in the movement and they also make the body flexible.

The main function of the skeletal system is to protect, support, movement, protection and blood cell production. The skeletal system supports and protects the soft organs of the body and the internal frame of the body is also supported. The bones of the skeletal system work as levers to help in the movement of body. The bones also contain phosphorous, minerals, calcium and fats.

The muscular system

The contractile tissues of the body combine together to form the muscular system in which the cardiac, skeletal and smooth muscles are included. The muscle organs of the body are made up of skeletal muscle tissues and connective tissues. Smooth muscles are present in the urinary bladder and small intestine whereas, the cardiac tissues combine to make up the heart.

The main function of the muscles is to produce heat, movement and stabilize the body.

The movement of the body like walking, running, nodding and holding is also possible because of the muscular system. Skeletal muscles, bones and joints collectively help in these movements. The skeletal muscles provide stabilization to the body and the postural muscles contract the body. The skeletal muscles of also facilitate in the production of heat by performing work. The heat thus produced maintains the normal body temperature. Studies have shown that more than half of the body heat is produced by muscle contraction (EPHTI, 2003, pp.43-73).

The Nervous system Every system of the body depends on each other and every system is controlled by the endocrine and nervous system of the body. These systems transfer signals from one part of the body to another part by different mechanisms. Nerve impulses are generated by the nervous system and they are transferred from one part of the body to another. The nervous system is the main system of the body which reacts to the internal and external environment of the body and it also helps in maintaining the equilibrium among the environment and the body.

The Endocrine System

There is a vast difference between the endocrine and the nervous system of the body but they both act as the coordinating and controlling centers of the ...
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