The vision outlined in the government's White Paper "Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services" is one where services have an emphasis on preventing problems and ensure that social care and the NHS work on a shared agenda to help maintain the independence of individuals.
The purpose of this Strategy is to bring together health, social care, independent providers and the voluntary sector in our shared vision to provide a range of services that will support independence and further our commitment to inclusion, participation and equality. (Paul 2005:15-20)
There are approximately 43,000 (2004) people aged 65 and over in Croydon. The over 65 population is predicted to rise by 0.7% annually over the next 5 years. More significantly the over 85 population is predicted to rise by 2.7% and the black and ethnic minority (BME) elder population is predicted to rise at a proportionally higher rate than the white older people population over the next 5 years.
This Strategy has been developed to incorporate the priorities developed, in partnership with older people, carers and multi-agency participation, at an open space event in summer 2005. It also incorporates priorities as identified in the recent Government White Paper "Our health, our care, our say: a new direction for community services", the National Service Framework for Older People, and the Croydon Local Delivery Plan. (Paul 2005:15-20)
How The Partnership Group Works
This strategy has been co-ordinated by the Partnership Group Older People and the Joint Commissioning Group for Older People, Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment (JCG).
The Partnership Group Older People is co-chaired by the Divisional Director Older People, Physical Disability and Sensory Impairment Croydon Social Services and the Director of Strategy and System Development Croydon Primary Care Trust (PCT).
The Partnership Group consists of:
Older People nominated from the Older People's Network (OPEN).
Black and ethnic Minority elder representatives.
Representatives of voluntary agencies (nominated from Voluntary Sector Service Providers for Older People (VoSSPOP)).
Representatives from statutory agencies (Health, Social Services, and Housing).
Representatives from Independent Providers.
The Joint Commissioning Group for Older People, People with Physically Disabilities and Sensory Impairment is the Executive Group of the Partnership and is responsible for commissioning services in line with strategic aims.
The Partnership is accountable to PCT Management Team and London Borough of Croydon Social Services Executive and the Healthy Croydon Partnership.
Local Policy and Development is influenced by and influences the Croydon Strategic Partnership, which was formed in 2002 to develop an overarching Community Strategy in Croydon. The Strategic Partnership is composed of six theme partnerships of which Healthy Croydon is one. (Paul 2005:15-20)
The Healthy Croydon Partnership oversees the joint planning of Health and Social Care services in Croydon. The Partnership aims to improve the health of the population of Croydon and to tackle inequalities in health that exist in the borough. It recognises that health is affected by social, economic and environmental ...