Principled Negotiation

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Principled Negotiation

Principled Negotiation

Background of Problem

This paper presents to John Regts the General Manager of a National Health Services company, suggesting him to apply straightforward method to overcome the persisting problem of data organization and storage system. As mentioned in case, the employees are forced to maintain and organize their data in manual files due to some major faults in the system. It can thus be said that the existing system does not provide the adequate support to the data. The scenario presented above is not new. Many organizations face similar problems due to one reason or other. In this paper, it is intended to present suggestions for addressing this common problem regarding data storage.

There are certain problems and limitations in the use of magnetic storage media, and today there are a variety of data storage media using other techniques that are based on the diffraction of light waves (Codd, 2007).

There are many variations of this system, making it possible to store a comprehensive amount of digital data in a very small and inexpensive format. It has been very cumbersome that even in this age of globalization, when other competitors are using latest storage devices; our company has failed to matchup with the innovations within the data storage systems. It is the perfect time that we, as an organization should make appropriate strategies address this problem that is continuously making us suffer the consequences. As a result of poor data storage systems, we have also lost the trust of our valued customers and employees have failed to give their best productive output (Rigaux, 45).

The issue is that our employees are not properly trained for using Microsoft applications. This has further hampered their productivity, and there is an urgent need to organize training sessions for those involved in managing the database of organizational records. The training should use direct interaction with the designated employees and the trainer should take the consent of the employees, who want to participate in this session, before going ahead with the training plan. Data storage is one issue that remains unaddressed to this day. The research is limited because of the fact that researchers are unable find valid reasons to write on this subject. Now, there exists a need to manage and store important organizational data for integrity and security purposes. The sheer amount of data is required to be stored both in manual and electronic files (Zeiler, 2006).

One issue that is facing the employees is the proper management of manual data files which has taken a great amount of physical energy and time. Storing data electronically on computer saves a great deal of effort and time. The data stored in computers can be easily accessible, and an added advantage is that a computer can store a huge bulk of data in various files allocated for the purpose. Before, storing data in computer files, one thing needs to be taken care of - and that is the security (Beaulieu, ...
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