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Changing Racial and Ethnic face of America

The racial and ethnic face of America is changing and has caused a lot. The concept of racism is present in the country since a very long time. Discrimination between the blacks and whites has been a part of the culture since a very long time and parts of this concept still exists. It is important for the people to make sure that they realize the importance of equality in their country. Whites think that they are superior and have all the power that is required. It is important for them to know that no power is greater than equality and that they have to make sure that equality prevails in the country. Jim Crow laws were regarded as the laws that were formed and implemented at a time when discrimination was an essential part of the American culture. These laws were regarded as essential laws in the previous days; however, were abolished because they promoted racism in the country (Twersky, 2005). There were instances where both the races differed. They had different believed and values which led to the discrimination. Today times have changed and the country is in a much better position now.

Issues Related to Policing

They do not have properly defined policies, standards and effective control guarantee supported function on values of integrity, respect for the rights human, non-discrimination and professionalism in their operations.

They do not have effective systems for receiving complaints, internal investigation, discipline and control of corruption.

They are unable to control internal practices of abuse, discrimination and civil service simulation career, while its elements do not provide the minimum conditions for a professional service, for an adequate legal defense and protection collective rights (HailS & Borum. 2003).

They do not have reliable systems and public information regarding the efficient use of resources. This causes problems and they have to take actions for such measures.


Two Issues encountered regarding Moral Behavior

There were a couple of moral behavior issues that occurred in this case. According to the moral behavior, Officer Gregory should have made sure that the burglars are caught and that he should not have picked up the watches that he saw lying on the ground. Another issue was that Officer Gregory behaved in an inappropriate manner with the lady he stopped for speeding. He should have behaved in a amorally acceptable manner keeping in mind that he is talking to a lady.

Two Issues dealing with Ethical Conduct

Ethically, Officer Gregory should have made sure that he acts ethically. He should not have picked up things from the shop without paying. This is unethical and against the rules and laws. He should have respected his position of being a police officer and should not have committed this act. Another ethical issue was the he misbehaved with the lady and spoke in a degrading manner. He should have made sure that he acts in an ethical manner and works in an appropriate manner.

Two Issues involving Legal Requirements

Legally, Officer Gregory has ...
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