ILP is the intelligence-led policing (ILP) whose original version is from the UK and developed in the nineties, specifically in the Kent police charge Sir David Phillips. However, especially after the attack on the Twin Towers in New York, has joined the ILP in various law enforcement agencies of the United States and has spread like an interesting strategy to apply, although in certain cases, mixed with COP and POP models.
In this vein, Ratcliffe (2002) suggests that the ILP, continuing the U.S. perspective, is complementary to the COP model sense of generating a symbiotic integration with the community, where unit's criminal intelligence analysis incorporated into the organization and lose their traditional anonymity (p. 58). For his part, Innes (2000) following the tenets of POP and COP estimates that give greater prominence to the police first row, the "street" giving them more tools and knowledge to crime analysis and criminal intelligence, power ILP model, allowing feedback most significant among analysts and police officers "on the ground."
However, the ILP in the British version, it has certain features that distinguish it from the POP and COP models that must be taken into consideration. The ILP originated in response to a series of questions to police work and take the step from a police character reactive to a proactive intelligence analysis using and criminal use and systematization of information.
The concept of Intelligence Led Policing is simple. It is the information that is the basis for police action, and not vice versa. This approach relies on the harvesting and processing of data (facts, authors, criminal groups, etc.). On one hand, and the added value of experience and skills police on the other. Information (intelligence) thus obtained guide the Federal Judicial Police, in a legal and legitimate, at the strategic (political crime), tactical (action plans) and operational (survey).
The front-line policing, close to sources of information is a key figure. Knowledge is valued in order to understand the phenomena. At his side, many other functions (analysts, investigators, crossroads district information, lab, etc.) also play a pivotal role.
Dare To Predict the Future, Identify Trends, the Ongoing Challenge of Strategic Analysts
Policy analysts use a set of methods and analysis techniques (mapping, statistics, scenario, etc.). Enabling them to achieve an accurate picture of the phenomena of safety, both locally and nationally. The purpose of this analysis is to help authorities to identify priorities (strategic) security.
The strategic analyst participates in a better knowledge of these extended data analysis. Similarly, he consults and analysis, from different angles, multiple sources (police and non police) to identify new or probable trends in the evolution of crime.
The police function guided by the information is not a one-way process. It is characterized by the exchange and sharing of information and knowledge between all police officers, regardless of service or level (local or federal) to which they belong. To this end, in each district, a hub of information district processes, analyzes and disseminates information from the various police ...