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Personal Development Plan

Personal Development Plan

"The purpose of life - search for perfection, and the task of each one of us - as close as possible its manifestation in itself" - said an American writer, philosopher and essayist Richard David Bach. It is the achievement of excellence can help us to plan personal development, and not only in the personal sphere, but in a career in health, and relationships. But to do it or not - a private matter. For example, many of my friends plunged doubt that the plan can help in achieving the goals. I partly agree them. Indeed, the plan itself is useless, if will be the nominee list. But it can help develop a priority system that is so necessary on the way to implement "pans" in life and become a constant visual reminder of the current tasks and motivation to develop many habits (Cavender, Kahane, 2010).

Skills Audit

To start of my personal development, Skill audit is the necessary step (McCormack,,Kiley,2006):

My level of competence on each of skills is as follows:

1 = Poor - this is one of my weakest areas and I need to put in a lot of work to develop it to an acceptable level

2 = Needs attention - I am weak in this area and my level of ability should be improved

3 = Satisfactory - I feel I have some limited experience in this area but would feel more confident if my level of ability was higher

4 = Good - I am reasonably confident in this area

5 = Excellent - I am exceptionally confident in this area

Skills and definitions

Skills and definitions






1. Self motivation

Having energy and enthusiasm in pursuing goals


2. Flexibility/adaptability

Being able to respond willingly to changing plans and modifying behavior to new situations.


3. Communication (verbal)

Using speech to express ideas and give information or explanations effectively. Listening skills


4. Teamwork

Working well with others in order to achieve a common objective


5. Initiative

Having the vision to see opportunities and to set and achieve goals independently.


6. Numeracy

Competence and understanding of numerical data, statistics and graphs


7. Literacy

The ability to read, writes, listen and comprehend. Understanding of grammar and use of vocabulary


8. Communication (written)

Being able to produce grammatical, well expressed, easily understood and interesting text.


9. Commitment to learning

A willingness to continue learning in order to update relevant knowledge and further develop skills


10. Commercial awareness

An understanding of how businesses operate to achieve corporate goals successfully


11. Self confidence

Belief in yourself and your abilities. Self assured; self reliant. (There is a very fine line between confidence and arrogance)


Skills and definitions






12. Time management

Ability to manage tasks effectively and meet deadlines


13. Leadership

Able to motivate and encourage others, whilst taking the lead


14. Problem solving

Thinking things through in a logical way in order to determine key issues and solutions.


15. Personal presentation/self promotion

Knowing your strengths and skills and having the confidence to put these across. Self awareness.


16. Analytical skills

The ability to identify and critically evaluate and interpret a wide range of data from a variety of ...
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