Pisa Findings

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PISA Findings

PISA Findings


The Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) is an organization to signify a commitment to evaluate and monitor the expected outcomes of educational systems by assessing student's achievements within the framework of internationally approved procedures. It is aimed at providing a new platform for discussion and cooperation in designing, implementing, and achieving educational goals with more inventive approaches that can produce useful conclusions about the skills which are related to adult life (OECD, 2012).

Point: PISA Findings

The presentation under discussion is highlighting the main findings of the survey about the areas of strength of 15-year-old students in the countries which are members of OECD. There were several questions whose answers were sought, such as if students are capable of meeting the future challenges, they can evaluate and present their ideas logically. PISA also discussed the relation of the economy with the quality education (OECD, 2012). There are many points discussed in the presentation, but following are the most important.


Best Performance in Education

According to Professor Schleicher, PISA shuns a great emphasis on need of assessment regarding factual recollection and information recovery, and emphasizes on the application of knowledge. This is the main difference between ordinary schooling and the commitment which PISA has made. Moreover, it states that a heavy amount spent on education is not the criteria of national improvement. USA has the world's most stable economy, but in terms of education it came on 13th number in the survey conducted by OECD in 1990. Korea is a good example of educated nation. In early 80s, Korea's living standard was very much similar to that of Afghanistan but now, we see that all young Koreans complete their high school education. Korea is called “Academic Superpower” with 93% of its high school graduates. In South Korea, 47% of eighth graders are ranked 'advanced.' In the U.S., it is 7%.

Generally, we assume that quality education is the one in which a student spends most of his time in the school environment. Practically, it is not a criterion. People get degrees of higher education, but they are jobless. On the other hand, employers complain they do not find the skilled workers. This again shows that those who pass the exams with flying colors may not have required skills and understanding.


The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) published a detailed report on “The Human Rights-based Approach to Education for All”, which states that every child must be respected as individual and unique in characteristics regardless to the social class he belongs to, and has a right to quality education .

PISA also says that education on equality basis incurs far better results than investing heavy amounts on some social groups. Opportunities of education must be distributed equally irrespective of the social background of students. Combining quality education with equality can guarantee success. Australia's Ministry of Education makes it sure that there must be no comprise on equality in the provision of quality of education. No gender, racial or ethnic discrimination is ...
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