Personality Analysis

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Personality Analysis

Personality Analysis


Personality patterns of thought, perception and behavior relatively fixed and stable, deeply rooted in each subject. Personality is the term that is usually referred to as that unique, singular, is an individual, the characteristics that distinguish it from others. The thought, emotion and behavior alone do not constitute the personality of an individual; it just hides behind these elements. Personality also implies predictability about how to act and how a person will react under different circumstances.

The various psychological theories emphasize specific aspects of personality and differ from each other about how it is organized, develops and manifests itself in behavior. One of the most influential theories is psychoanalysis, created by Sigmund Freud, who maintained that the unconscious processes lead much of people's behavior. Another important strand is the behavioral, represented by American psychologists BF Skinner, who emphasizes learning by conditioning, which considers human behavior mainly determined by its consequences. If a particular behavior causes a positive (reinforced), will be repeated in the future, on the contrary, if the consequences are negative-the-no punishment will be less likely to recur.

Since this semester is working on the current program provided by the department, this report is done along the lines of the same with the addition of some theoretical implications, and sometimes with other consequences.


Personality is the term that is usually referred to as that unique, singular, is an individual, the characteristics that distinguish it from others. The thought, emotion and behavior alone do not constitute the personality of an individual; it just hides behind these elements. Personality also implies predictability about how to act and how a person will react under different circumstances.

The various psychological theories emphasize specific aspects of personality and differ from each other about how it is organized, develops and manifests itself in behavior. One of the most influential theories is psychoanalysis, created by Sigmund Freud, who maintained that the unconscious processes lead much of people's behavior. Another important strand is the behavioral, represented by American psychologists BF Skinner, who emphasizes learning by conditioning, which considers human behavior mainly determined by its consequences. If a particular behavior causes a positive (reinforced), will be repeated in the future, on the contrary, if the consequences are negative-the-no punishment will be less likely to recur.

Some Theories of Personality


According to this theory, all complex forms of behavior, emotions, habits, and even the thought and language-chains are analyzed as simple muscular and glandular responses that can be observed and measured. Watson argued that emotional reactions were learned just as any other.

The theory of stimulus-response Watsonian was a major increase in research activity on learning in animals and humans, especially in the period from childhood to early adulthood. In the words of Watson "Personality is the sum of feasible activities discovered by actual observation of behavior, long enough for you to provide us certain information. In other words, personality is but the end product of our systems habits. Our procedure for the study of the personality is to establish and perform a flow cross ...
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